
Whats the big deal with MLK, JFK, LBJ and Bobby Kennedy?

by Guest66579  |  earlier

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I am 45 and I know the answer. My intent is to refresh and inspire the newest and greatest generation to see what they have to compete against. It's tough I know! They all steeped up to the plate when the handle was sure to sear their hands and in doing so we are all the better. Note: I am not saying ones accomplishment is equal to the other, but, you know what I am getting at.




  1. We are in no way the greatest generation.  I don't think that LBJ belongs there, personally, but the rest were great men who died standing up for what they believe.  The new generation of politicians (front runners) are either part of the problem or are cowards that have no business being there to "represent" us.

    "The hottest place in h**l is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "It's a dark day in our nation when high-level authorities will seek to use every method to silence dissent. But something is happening, and people are not going to be silenced. The truth must be told, and I say that those who are seeking to make it appear that anyone who opposes the war in Vietnam is a fool or a traitor or an enemy of our soldiers is a person that has taken a stand against the best in our tradition."

    Martin Luther King, Jr. (who was silenced exactly a year after making this speech against the war in Vietnam, 4/4/67)

    Take heed of those words Hillary, Obama, Edwards, and all the Republican front runners!

  2. What they have in common is that they took on organized crime and the white supremacists of the south during the '60s and three of them gave their lives for it.

    Before you answer here read some history.


    JFK and Bobby - no big deal at all, yet the press continues to make the case that they were GREAT.  My view is: great at WHAT, exactly?

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