
Whats the big deal with your virginity ?

by Guest56095  |  earlier

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i don't get it yeah its the first time you have s*x but its the most natural thing in the world why is it such a big deal ? its just the first out of a many times your gonna do it and why is it so bad for younger people too do it yeah maybe you should wait until your married but that don't happen that often anymore , you've gotta face it , its how the time is now stop complaining about it and worry about your self .




  1. ha its funny how u got really defensive at the end as if u wer arguing with someone.

    yeh i reeeally agree with you. i think that it depends on certain personalities and situations. some ppl are genuinely more mature and ready whereas older ppl may find i harder to get laid

  2. Its simple. You can only give your virginity away once and to one person. Most people remember this person for the rest of their lives, so its only common sense for it to be someone you care about.  

  3. It's a big deal because of the implications of it. s*x is designed to make babies, seal a commitment and carry on the human race. Yeah contraception has changed that but the mindset of how important it really is hasn't changed.

    It creates a bond between two people. You could ask why is your first day at school so important? Or your first steps as a baby? you're going to be walking for the rest of your life so why are those first few major?

  4. Many religions value the concept of faithfulness.  If you are (observant) Jewish, both parties are expected to be virgins.  If the bride is not, the marriage may be annulled on that account.  (It is impossible to prove the status of the groom).  If you are a Moslem, the bride may be murdered by her father or a brother as an honor killing if she is not a virgin.  On the other hand, there is no word in early Egyptian for virgin.  It was of that little value to a civilization that had no morals.  In general, people like to know that their spouse, of either s*x, is not going to run around on them and virginity at marriage is a good indication of this.

  5. tell that to my parents and Jesus...


    aggg ur just looking for ppl to agree with you....I SERIOUSLY wish ppl had told me that I could hve picked someone who actually, like, valued me. I used to have the exact same opinion at you....100% but not any more...why? because I lost my virginity when I was 15 and 4 someone I had known for ONE day...I didnt expect a relationship...but I didnt expect him to leave SO later....but I carried on...then I had a threesome with 2 was only about the 3rd time id ever had s*x....I later found out one of the guys had paid his "friend for the chance to use me......and I also didnt enjoy the s*x at alll....I literally didnt feel anything....but yeah....I have had s*x with guys who I really like....and it is MUCH better....that is as good a reason as any to wait....until you find someone you like....cause  I just wanted to get losing my virginity  "out the way" may not know this, but many guys really hate sight of the girls they sleep with after 3 hours in some nightclub the next day, they think she is stupid and thick as sh***t for giving it up so soon, it does not make them see you as a "laugh" or anything of the sort...for Gods sake, they can come in their own hands when they m********e, they dont have to FANCY you in order to want to sleep with you....remember that...guys are weird and different to girls....and even if u dont expect a relationship, you wouldnt want to be hated by the guy u slept with would you? but ask any guy, and they will all say that after a one night stand, they cant wait to see the back of a girl.

    Now I am 23, and I would never sleep with someone unless I really really liked them, and had been going out with them for quite a while and was possibly in love with them. One of the big mistakes our culture makes is to assume that women and men experience s*x in the same way....but we dont....U wont feel anything, physically, if you dont fancy him and its almost impossible on the 1st day of knowing someone, to actually get much physical pleasure.All those s**y articles in magazines are meant for ppl who already fancy their amount of s**y bed techniques can make a woman come if she isnt already into her partner and likes him, feels some kind of connection etc. Also, men have ten times more testosterone than women, and guess what causes s*x drive in men AND women? ....its testosterone. So its not hard to see that men will get more out of s*x, so dont put pressure on urself to feel turned on as quickly as a man. That is a fact you cant deny. Scientific research has backed it up, re-read what I just wrote if you dont understand it, and research it on the net...its 100% true. Testosterone is the hormone in men and women that causes s*x drive.(Oestrogen-female hormone, does not cause s*x drive, it makes u grow b*****s but does not add to s*x drive in any way.)

    But if u dont believe me, go an sleep around and then see if any of these guys like you afterwards.....believe me, they will want to get away as soon as possible. Its nature to them. So make sure they arent just using u for s*x, and some guys go out with that aim in mind, you have to make them wait.

  7. Your virginity is yours and only YOU should decide when to lose it,you should never ever be pressured into losing it. I lost mine when I was 18 to a boyfriend at the time and he dumped me the next day(yeah imagine how that felt),and I wish I had waited for the right man(still havent found him but if i could be a virgin still id gladly be one).....

  8. its about having respect for yourself and your body my dear, not virginity in itself. its about having morals, young men and women need them and need to respect themselves and others. it shows class, responsibility, respect and dignity not only for yourself but others around you.  if you dont care and sleep around your not only showing yourself or the person your sleeping with that you have NONE of these things..but other around you are going to see that and think less of you.

  9. Hm, Tbh i get what you mean..

    But younge people losing there virginity.. isnt realy cool.. They are doing somthing they havent learnt enough about.. Having kids younge isnt realy a GREAT thing.. The kid would be brought up by a teenager. Teenager's can be very stressy. and the kid will most probably end up in care..

    Also.. Some people like to only have s*x with one person.. If i was with a girl that slept with 200 diffrent guys.. I Would be a little worried.

  10. Hi

    It's yours to give away, not throw away, how you respond to your virginity says a lot about the sort of person you are and it can also reflect how others see you.

    Ray. West York's. U.K.

  11. Well, if you're religious and you have values you wait until you're married because the bible tells us to. Not to mention it's just not healthy for young people. Honestly, teens aren't emotionally stable to begin with nor physically developed enough for s*x. So that's the "deal" bud. DON'T BE DUMB!!

  12. most people want to wait until they find someone they love!! why dont you jus go get laid by someone whos not a virgin!! and if you love who ever it is your frusterated at then tell them you love them and work some magic and they'll prolly give it up!! haha!! but you jus gotta let the person do it when they see its the right time!! and most girls like their first time to be special.. and not with jus any guy!! i kno alot of people who have made the mistake of giving it up to early and they regret it!! believe me i went thru it!!

  13. cuz a lot of girls have been getting pregnant at younger and younger ages, and thats not good, cuz usually the father refuses to help or even look at the baby.

  14. you should GIVE your virginity to someone that is really special and you should love them a lot and get that in return.  If you are in doubt about this...WAIT. you will know when the time is right.  if someone is pressuring you, they obviously do not love you. i hope this helps you.

  15. Once It's gone it's gone.

    And If it was with the wrong person,

    for which it is for many first timers,

    It could be one of the worst experiences ever.

  16. I know what you mean, I think the reason for it being considered a big deal is a combination of things. Some would cite religious reasons, some will talk about the emotions that are involved, still others would refer to the physical ramifications of s*x.

    I personally feel that as long as the two individual are mature and take precautions (use a condom) then it's their choice what they do. I would personally recommend that one waits until one is ready and with a person one truly loves. However it's their choice and their body, so provided they're careful (i.e. use a condom so they don't spread disease or cause an unwanted pregnancy), it's no one else's buisness.

    I recomend people wait until they're with someone they love for very practicle reasons. Firstly that one's first time is usualy painful, messy, uncomfortable and embarrasing. I think most people would prefer this to be with someone they love who will understand and take their time and be able to laugh with them if something silly happens (having trouble getting the condom on for example). Secondly I feel that it would be best to be in a loving, commited relationship because there is a chance of pregnancy no matter how careful you are. Whatever choice is made (abortion, adoption, keeping it) I think it would be much better for a person to be in a commited relationship so they don't have to go through it all on their own.

    I don't feel there's anything shameful or dirty or wrong about s*x. So I don't think one is giving up anything when having s*x for the first time.  

  17. s*x has been whittled down to nothing in today's culture...s*x is the most intimate connection two people can have.  That is why waiting until marriage is so critical in my view.

  18. i think it is wrong to have s*x with anyone without being married i don`t care how the time is. what would you do if your wife's not a virgin

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