
Whats the biggest city in the world?

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Whats the biggest city in the world?




  1. It depends on whether you mean largest by land area or by population, and whether you are referring to just the city limits or to the metropolitan area.

    The largest metropolitan area by population is Tokyo, at approximately 32 million.

    The largest city by population is Mumbai, at approximately 13 million.

    The largest city by area is Hulun Buir, China, with an area of approximately 264,000 square kilometers (roughly the size of Colorado).  However, most of this "city" is undeveloped.

    The largest metropolitan area by area is New York, with an area of approximately 9000 square kilometers.

  2. What do you mean "the biggest city"? Political demographic boundaries (square fee) OR the population?  

    I think, it is Tokyo, Japan in terms of population. In terms of political demographics, I don't know.

  3. tokyo or this city in china

  4. Myrectum

  5. Tokyo or Hong Kong?

  6. Seoul, South Korea, has 10.2 million people. It is the world's most populous city.  

    Tokyo, Japan, only has 8.1 million people.  

    The largest city by land area is New York City.  

  7. The question of which are the world's largest cities does not admit of a single, simple answer. It depends on which definitions of "city" and "size" are used, and how those definitions are applied. Complex political/cultural/social situations, sometimes controversial or disputed, further confuse the discussion. Debate on this field is highly vulnerable to bias or manipulation, as people tend to prefer whichever definition most flatters their own city.

    The "size" of a city can refer to either its land area or, more typically, its population.

    The borders of a city can also be defined in any of several ways:

  8. Seoul, South Korea.

  9. tokyo 12.7 million new york city . with 8.25 million as of 2006  hong kong 6.9million

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