
Whats the biggest hard drive a Etower emachine633cd will take ?

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Whats the biggest hard drive a Etower emachine633cd will take ?




  1. It should be able to take any size Hard drive. They are usually a standard size of 3x5in. The amount of data it can hold makes no difference on it's physical size.

  2. Did a little sleuthing. Given the age of that machine, there's always a question of whether or not your IDE controller supports LBA/large drives. I tracked down these two pages: for USA models and for European models.

    Your model number shows up on the second list, but either one of the 633<i or c>d modules uses the Trigem Cognac+ plus motherboard (assuming this is right anyway) Following the link to for that motherboard provided there goes to

    Clicking on the downloads link on the left takes you to At the bottom of that page is the at

    Downloading and looking at the user's guide, reveals that the IDE controller is the Intel FW82801AA and page 4-5 of the manual (BIOS Setup) indicates that LBA (Logical Block Addressing) can be toggled on and off. This means it should support up to at least an 8.4 GB hard drive. Looking at the Intel site for specifics on the Intel FW82801AA, I found this page:  I could not find anything saying this motherboard supports LBA-48. I'm wondering if you could use up to the 134GB limit (e.g., a 120GB drive), but it's not clear. You probably cannot use anything over that.

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