
Whats the british king being accused of

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he has excited domestic insurrection among us and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of out frontiers the merciless indian savages whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages sexes and condition




  1. One of the grievances of the American rebels listed in the "Declaration of Independence" is that George III's penny-pinching policies incited Indian insurrections.  What Thomas Jefferson possibly has in mind when citing this argument for American Independence is the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which was an attempt to restrict colonial expansion beyond the Appalachian Mountains.  Since enterprising colonists had already pushed into the Kentucky and Ohio frontiers, this meant no British troops or forts were readily available to defend or to rescue any endangered colonial settlers west of the Appalachians. However, for most Native Americans, particularly those who sided with the British, the War for Independence was all about defending their homelands--not about supporting the British Empire.

    P. S.  To those readers unfamiliar with "The Declaration of Independence", the above quotation is taken directly from that text, so the "he" it obviously refers to is George III, the King who lost the American colonies:

    "He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions."

  2. The king was being accused of encouraging the Native Americans to attack the colonists. The colonists were deathly afraid of the "savages" and thought that they would massacre all the good christian settlers on the frontier. With hindsight we can see who eventually got massacred, but that is not part of your question.

    Edit - and some idiot gave me a thumbs-down for this answer? LOL What is your idea of a better answer?

  3. I am sorry. Your question makes no sense. Which king are you referring to?

    Edit: To win lands the killing of natives was encouraged.Many Europeans considered Native Americans "savages" because they did not understand a culture so far removed their own.Europeans had no understanding of how cut off and isolated the American continents were from the rest of "civilization."

    A common European tactic was to befriend certain tribal camps and pay them to fight for them against the colonials.The colonials used the same tactic to fight the Europeans.Both only cared about winning;they were using the native population who quickly caught on,and weren't too pleased.

    The British King is accussed of lying to the colonials about each other so that they would be too busy fighting amongst themsleves to fight the King,as well.

  4. Your use of the English language is strange to say the least.The tense is present but,we don't have a King at the moment.I know of no recent insurgence and the last Unilateral Declaration of Independence was in Rhodesia,now named Zimbabwe.I am trying but this is a difficult one.

    Edit......Rod S,you have been a member now for a long time,surely you know by now that,even if your answer was 100% correct,there would still be some mammary gland out there,who would give you a thumbs down,I will try to even things up a bit by giving you a thumbs up.

  5. I didn't read the newspapers today, so I missed that. I didn't know they were still having those problems, or that a king had been intalled on the throne. I should pay more attention.  

  6. I thought Britain/United Kingdom had a queen, not a king. Would you care to clarify your very strange grammatical question?

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