
Whats the chance of winning the lottery???

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Whats the chance of winning the lottery???




  1. Every lottery ticket is either a winner or a loser. So, the odds are 50/50.  

  2. mega millions: 1 and 175 million, very slim

  3. I think it's extremely slim, since so many other people are also trying to win.

  4. i just answered this question

    in the uk the odds are 14 million to one

    if you want a more clear answer think of it this way

    how many seconds in a day? - 86400

    seconds in a month (30 days)- 2592000

    if i was thinking of a second in a day of a month t

    the odds of you pinpointing a the single second in a month is 1 in 2.5 million

    imagine trying to pinpoint the winning combination of the lottery with the odds as high as 1 in 14 million

  5. It depends on the lottery.

    Some of the state specific lotteries (ie not Megamillions and Powerball) can be a few million to one.  But the big ones like Megamillions and Powerball have odd of over 150m-1.  Very slim indeed.

    It is not uncommon to buy tickets regularly over an entire life time, and never win a significant prize.


  7. it depends on what lotto you are playing, if its scratch off tickets check the back, they normally list the chances. In PA the average chance to win a scratch off is 1 in 4.

    Other larger lottos like a mega millions or power ball whatever your state calls them are normally in the 1 in 9 million range i think. Check you states lottery website they should have chances on them.

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