
Whats the chances of my child being born a red head ?

by Guest33450  |  earlier

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i have blonde hair naturaly my partner has black.

but my mother was a red head ? does it skip a generation?




  1. Sometimes, sometimes not. My partner has red hair, His mum has blonde and his dad jet black. We have just had a little boy who has bright red hair! I was worried at first, but its so cute and people always commet on how cute him and his hair is!

  2. Depends which genes your baby picked up, no real way to know until the baby is born  :)

  3. Generally, but sometimes there are genetic flukes, that both you and your partner have to carry the recessive gene for red hair.  Brown is dominate over blonde which is dominate over red.  Since we carry one dominate and recessive it's all statistics at that point.  For instance I have brown eyes and according to the rule I  must have a blue recessive because my daughter has blue eyes.  If I have 2 brown or a brown and hazel it would be vary rare that I'd have a blue eyed baby.

    With you mother having red hair and you being blonde, your blonde gene came from your father and your mother passed down her recessive red (because that's all she carries).  You have a 50/50 chance of passing down your red gene.  On the other hand, what your partner has is unknown.  

    There is a possiblity even if he has no red hair genes.  Just the odds are not as likely.  

  4. chances are your baby will have dark hair.  Just pray to god you don't have a ginger baby.... sick!

  5. Its all to do with genetics and which genes your child inherits.

    My mum is blonde, my dad is brown. My brother had jet black hair....It is going lighter now.

    My partner has red tinged hair, and so has my daughter. But none of my family i know of or his has the red hair! It can be confusing.

    Ever see the black baby with blue eyes? Now that is beautiful yet rare.

  6. Do you have freckles? Does your partner have freckles? You'd have to have a mutated MC1R gene in order for your kid to have red hair.

  7. We're similar to you.  My husband has dark brown, almost black hair.  I have naturally blond hair.  My husband's grandmother had red hair.

    Our first daughter has medium brown hair.

    Our 2nd daughter has red hair.  Not the bright orange kind though.  More like a light brown in dim light, and a nice red in brighter light.

    No one on MY side of the family in recent generations has had red hair except for our daughter now.

    It all just depends on what genes you pass on.

  8. whats wrong with red hair?

  9. I don't know the answer percentage wise, so I'll just give tell you about my little redhead. Her father has dirty blonde hair and I have dark brown almost black hair. I have a great grandmother who had fire engine red hair (the rest of my fame has dark brown hair) and my husband has an aunt with bright red hair......and poof! My little lady came out with red curls! She's 7 months old now and her hair is a lot darker now, it still has some red in it, but it's very brown now.

  10. Red hair is a double recessive. He has to have the gene in his family also. My family has some red hair. I have brownish auburn hair. My first child with a blonde father is brown haired. 2nd & 3rd with red hair father are strawberry blonde and dark blonde.

  11. Depends on the genes it gets

    You have a red head gene in you, but it's recessive, not dominant

    If your partner has a red head gene in them, then there is a chance it will be a read head

  12. You need red hair genes in both sides. I have red hair as does my sister but my brother and parents have black hair. I believe a cousin of my dad was a redhead and my mum's dad was at some point (before the white!). My mum also had my hair when she was younger. But if you have it in both sides then you might have a redhead baby.

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