
Whats the characteristics of a welsh person?

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I'm appaerintly welsh but i dont look the part( i think) so what does a welsh person look like?




  1. The welsh have strong iberian ancestry,people tend to think of zeta jones or tome jones or other famous welsh people when thinking "welsh" so dark haired and dark eyed comes to mind ,which is probably more reflective of south wales.

  2. As far as am concern, i'll say first that such kind of persons are almost selfish character in reality. They use to think what ever they speak regarding any kind of matters says that should be reasonable even there is no matter or meaningless hence the same way his thought is that the people too must acknowledge his speech with whom he(Welsh person) is  speaking to. Normally those sort of persons are very obstinate in Character..

  3. Paleness...

    Often combined with freckles...and a Sean Connery accent!

  4. Generally small and dark.

    And don't try to sound like one. Anybody who tries to sound Welsh always ends up sounding like an Indian.

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