
Whats the cheapest place you know of in Thailand for rent or to stay for 3 months?

by  |  earlier

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Anywhere in Thailand, can you give me the name and rates of a specific hostel, hotel, apartment complex that you know is real cheap? I would want my own room but thats about all that matters. Fan or AC. Internet would be cool but not necessary.




  1. Once you get out into the countryside, away from the tourist areas price can go down considerably - - Where I live, you can get a very nice Western style house for a little over $100 a month - one friend just rented a lovely 2 bedroom home on the Ping River - terrific views and a nice breeze for $110 - There are rooms for $50 but maybe a bit small and student oriented - but please understand that there are no western style restaurants etc - - you are in Thailand here.

    You might want to try Chiang Mai which has many Western amenities and rooms that can be had quite reasonably - - google around under "Chiang Mai, rentals" -  

  2. The best way is to go look with a Thai person who can help you.  Your find many places for rent but they are listed on for sales signs in Thai.  Your can find a number of places for rent.  In fact I know of a place in Ranong a town house for 3,500 baht a month.  In the northeast I am sure you could also find something cheaper.  Your going to get what you pay for.  No a/c, no hot water, fix me up type place.  Good Luck.

  3. Here's a listing on Craigs list where they'll let you live for free If you'll help them practice English.

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