
Whats the cheapest skill cape to get in runescape?

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I want to know what the cheapest skill cape possible is to get in runescape and it should also be fast (shoudlnt take like 4 months to get it ! and when i saw cheapest i mean spend the least money and get it quite fast. Please reply ASAP




  1. Fishing,Woodcutting,Theving,(Quickest Way to do it is pryamid plunder),Agility(dont have to use enrgy pots),

  2. All skill capes are 99k. There really isn't a easy way or an easy skill to get them but try:





    Hope this helps.

  3. Probably Woodcutting or Fishing, one that doesn't require money but requires a lot of patience. I personally have a Fletching SkillCape, but I've spent A LOT of money doing it. Even though it didn't take that long.  

  4. fishing. you don't need to spend money on supplies if you harpoon or fish for lobster/shark, and raw food sells for a lot these days

  5. There are many valuable RS guides written by professional players,even some of the writhers are billionaires, they are all fabulous. They tell you how to farm gold,how to achieve your quest,the city guide and how to use runes,and so on.You 'd better find some guides ,and there are many of them are free.

    Go to see if there is any useful information to help you!

  6. Hmm, well I have achieved all the fast and easy capes, and I can definately tell you that Thieving would be your choice...It can be achieved in 2 - 3 weeks depending on how much you play.

    You can gain up to 200K exp per hour after level 81 in pyramid plunder. if you also collect the artifacts and sell them to Simon Templeton for a good profit, which will pay off all the supplies used (some food and antipoisons).

    If for any reason you are unable to enter pyramid plunder, I would say that Firemaking or cooking would be next easiest...but expect to lose around 3.5m for firemaking, and 6m for cooking.

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