
Whats the cheapest way to make homebrew?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make some homebrew that would be cheaper than those 'kits'. I usually buy the premium ones so it tastes alright, but i'm a bit brassick at the moment. I need something than can be done now so elderflower/berrys is out as it is starting to turn now. Any ideas?




  1. Ive made wine from blueberry juice 2lts to make 1 gallon plus the usual sugar water and yeast and clears in a few weeks.

  2. Sugar, yeast and water will do the trick. It will taste awful but who cares. It will contain alcohol.

  3. I've made some pretty good wine out of "store brand" (cheap) cranberry juice.

  4. Robert D is telling the truth as far as making the cheapest...unless you can get free juice...but I see from you comments you make wine and know a thing or two about brewing so here my answer.

    Apple juice is usually the cheapest juice at the grocery store.  So just get some cheap pasteurized apple juice with no preservatives and use it to make apple wine/cider.  It's a good summer/fall drink and doesn't cost much to make.

    To stretch it out and kick up the alcohol content, mix 1 gallon of water and 2 1/2 to 3 pounds of sugar per gallon of juice.  Also add some spices (cinnamon sticks, cloves, ect) and you will have one excellent spiced cider to serve at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Make some now and it will have aged nice by then.  You'll be the hit of any holiday party....or just drink it when it's done fermenting and enjoy some fresh cider.

    Either way it's cheap and delicious.

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