
Whats the closest airport to Skanderborg?

by Guest67030  |  earlier

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to claryfy am flying in from London so i should have asked which is closest, Aarhus or Billund?




  1. Now I don't know where you're coming from, but Århus airport is so so small, that I really doubt you could use that. Aalborg airport is the next closest, but if that's also too small you should use Billund. It's further away, but it's still a lot closer than Copenhagen

  2. Skanderborg is a very small town, around 15.000 people. It of course does not have an airport.

    Aarhus is very close though (around 20km) and it does have an airport.

    You can take a lot at it in the map at

    You can also read about the city here:

    As pointed out Aarhus airport is small. In the end it comes down to what you need. From Aarhus there are, mainly, flights to Copenhagen, but it is also a Ryanair airport, so there are international flights to London and Barcelona (Girona airport). But, there are not many flights everyday.

    Aalborg is bigger, but it is around 140 km from Skanderborg

    Billund is actually closer than Aalborg, but the road is worst.

    Aarhus = 27km

    Billund = 85 km

    Aalborg = 137km

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