
Whats the closest anyone has come to unify gravity ,Strong and weak nuclear and electromagnetism ?

by Guest66871  |  earlier

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Whats the closest anyone has come to unify gravity ,Strong and weak nuclear and electromagnetism ?




  1. So far, only two forces -- electromagnetism and weak -- have been unified in the electroweak force (earning the authors the Nobel prize in 1979)

    Going beyond will require a lot more work, especially to bring in gravity.

  2. well, it's still an open problem. String theorists like to claim that they have unified the four forces, but string theory has yet to reveal any testable predictions that cannot be explained from the standard theories, and in my opinion, has a problematic description of gravity. Still it's the closes anyone has come.

    There are quantum field theories that describe the strong and electroweak forces, and an effort is underway to unify these forces (called grand unification). Attempts to create a quantum field theory of gravity have caused many a headache for the most brilliant physicists. String theory is one attempt, and another prominent attempt is loop quantum gravity. The latter, however, doesn't make an attempt at unification, only studying gravity in its own right.

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