
Whats the coolest animal alive today and why?

by Guest67112  |  earlier

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Whats the coolest animal alive today and why?




  1. bunnies because there cute.  

  2. dolphins, just because

  3. Kady the Beagle

    because she just IS. That's why.

  4. Humans because we have control over all the animals on Earth.

  5. definitely lungfish..they breathe air! they are carnivores,and they can  bury themselves into mud, curl up into a ball, and secrete a mucus which hardens to form a cocoon (awesome)      plus they attack anything that moves

  6. some of those crazy looking fish you get really deep down in the ocean, they look so cool and scary lol

  7. Killer whales and idk i just like them

  8. All the species of penguins

    reason they are so different and unique

    they are cute

  9. rats! rock! they are smart and they can knaw through anything and they are soooo cute!

  10. Sharks because there is so much you can learn about them and they are just badass I guess.

  11. Spotted leopard. Great stalkers of prey and very awesome.

  12. The coolest animal alive today would be the Snarkalz Snatksawqe, It lives in the the Boomerang nebula, a cloud of dust and gases 5,000 light years away from Earth, has a temperature of -454 °F.

  13. dolphins and monkeys.

    dolphins-there such curious sea cretures.there sooo nice to us humans.they love to play and are sooooo sweet.

    Monkeys-there just like humans...besides there hair and language. they can read,play,work,etc.they have 4 fingers and eat meat and fruits......just like humans.

  14. toucans! wonderfully exotic!

  15. Gorilla. I don't even think I need to explain. They're just so awesome.  

  16. It really depends on your personal liking. I think it's the cougar because they are the ultimate land predato for many reasons, the hrose because they are so spirited expecially when wild, and the wolf because they are intelligent hunters who are learning not to be afraid of wimpy humans anymore. This goes for all animals, but those are the ones I like best.

  17. The pony, because of its unique powers.

  18. The Eagle

    Just standing there looking at them makes your mouth

    wide open...

  19. Dolphins. They're the second most intelligent animals, after human beings of course. They can communicate and develop relationships within their community. When it comes to defending a friend the amicable creatures make collaborative effort to scare away the fiend. They can distinguish between friend and foe, unlike many other animals. Dolphins are the most interesting; they're the kings of the sea. Sharks are great but just not as intelligent and very dangerous.

  20. Kitties! Because they're loving and adorable (most of the time)

    Especially hairless cats...some people think they're ugly and kind of weird, but they're actually nicer than regular cats, more mellow. And I think they're cute!

    ^ My fact of the day, lol... :)

  21. The Loch Ness Monster, Nessiteras rhombopteryx, because it's managed to evade and perplex humanity for like 1500 years.

  22. Panda, they're so adorable XD

  23. cute hamsters

  24. dolphins!!!!! cuz they are

  25. Tiger, coz they are Rar Rar Rar Rar

  26. platypus. i dont like them but they're so weird and unique

  27. That really depends on your opinion, but in mine it's gerbils.  They're cute, social, attractive, friendly pets.  They are also very easy to care for.

  28. A dog will do anything to please it's master.

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