
Whats the correct term for mental hospital?

by Guest61068  |  earlier

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dont say nuthouse or anything like that! that horrible. i know it starts with a 'p' but i dont know the word.




  1. Have you got lost?

  2. a loony bin

    haha sorry i typed this before reading your details...

    and it's psychiatric unit.

    mental hospital isn't a bad alternative though

  3. Proper name = psychiatric hospitals

    and from wikipedia...(also called insane asylums, lunatic asylums, looney bins (derogatorily), or mental asylums, though less now than previously)

  4. psychiatric care facility

  5. Hundred years ago it was Bedlam

    Nowadays Psychiatric unit, used to be asylum but I don t think its so politically correct now

  6. The correct word for a mental hospital here in England is asylum - lunatic asylum.

    Sometimes this is dressed up as in psychiatric unit, ward or even hospital, but lunatic asylum is correct.

    Google search links - lunatic asylum

  7. psychiatric hospital, they are also called mental health units.. hope this helps

  8. Psychiatric Care Hospital?

    I suspect the official term depends on your locality.

  9. psychiatric hospital

  10. Psychiatric Unit.

  11. Psychiatric hospital. When my brother had a breakdown, we found that all these places have lovely names like The Haven Hospital, or The Meadows Hospital, The Sunshine Hospital *giggles* its so ironic

  12. phyciatric Ward They Used To Be Called Mental Asylem and the Victorian ones in Great britain were really Terrible The new Name Goes with the new way they Treat phyciatric patients now  

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