
Whats the creapest dream you've ever had?

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Mine scared me really bad, and I don't know why, it was just two robots (like the robots in super metroid) running through a pixel field that was falling apart. They where just chasing each other.




  1. i was being chase by batman and i didnt do anything bad

  2. I had a dream that I had s*x with a wolf. Not the average size though cause that would be quite odd, more like s*x with a 6 foot wolf.

    Lets just say I don't think I shall ever forget that dream.

  3. When i was around 8 i used to have this dream every night for a week where i would be at my grandmas house all alone . and it was dark i would call my mom and dads name or my grandma and brothers name. and i would go up the stairs slowly and iw ould see my grandma as a ghost come down the stairs holding my other grandmas head sayin "your next your next!"

    and iw ould wake up scared shitless. im 15 now . never had the dream again . thank god. i was scared of my grandma for the longest time lmao .

    shes a rad person now tho . she owuldnt kill me haha ♥

  4. This was from a few years ago, but it was pretty f*cked up and I remember it fairly well.

    Okay, here goes...(and this gets graphic toward the end, so if you're squeamish, move on to the next comment.)

    I dreamed that I was a psychic, tracking down an ax murderer. I was walking down some street in a downtown area, when I spotted a man sitting at an outdoor cafe who looked (to me) like he was mentally ill. Alarms went off in my head, and I knew it was him. (Because, well, I was a psychic...)

    So instead of calling the cops, I decided I'd gain his trust, find out if he was the killer, then get him busted. So I became friends with him, then invited him over to this dorm I was living in (the inside reminded me of that house from Casper The Friendly Ghost - the crappy 90's movie, not the cartoon) for some reason.

    When it came time for him to leave, he kept insisting that he'd let himself out, but I knew he was trying to find a way to hide out in the dorm, then attack someone later on. I kept insisting that I escort him out, and then he started faking an injury, as if that would make it so he could stay in the dorm.

    As soon as he realized that I knew he was lying, he gave up and started to leave. That's when I decided to tell him: "I know who you are and I know what you did." He stopped in his tracks, and turned around, looking at me like a deer in headlights.

    I somehow convinced him that I wasn't going to call the cops and that I'd keep his secret. As soon as he left, though, I reported him to the police.

    I woke up the next morning (still the dream) to find all of these headless, rotting corpses around my room, posed in sexual positions. I ran to the neighboring dorm rooms - same thing. I went to a cottage next door - same thing.

    In the cottage, there was this baby that he'd injured very badly. I stood there trying to bring the baby back to life. It worked for a minute, but the baby still died a moment later.

    I then went back to the dorm and found these older women (I recognized them as "the elders" for some reason) huddled around in a the common room on the ground floor. They were saying it wasn't safe there. We had to leave.

    I woke up (not a dream this time) at that point totally freaked out. And, still thinking about it, I went downstairs, fell asleep again 10 minutes later on the couch, and actually finished the dream. (Which I've never done before/again.)

    When I continued my dream, I was downstairs with the elders, except I was in my house. I knew this guy wasn't going to disappear on his own and that I'd have to kill him. I went into my kitchen and grabbed a knife, then walked upstairs into my mom's room. The ax murderer was sitting on my mom's bed, using her laptop.

    I told him he didn't belong there, and I started stabbing him, but he wouldn't die. I tried chopping his limbs off, but he still wouldn't die. So I cut his head off and threw all of his body parts into a trash bag, which I dumped into the ocean.

    It then seemed to cut to a scene of me talking to one of "the elders". We were standing on a bridge, gazing over the railing. I don't remember exactly what was said, but it basically went like this:

    Me: Do you think I'll get in trouble?

    Her: Just lay low for a while. Don't worry about it. You had to do it.

    Finally, I woke up for good. Sorry if that was really long.

    On a happier note, I had another dream that I was Harry Potter, and Voldemort had sent Death Eaters disguised as kittens to spy on me. *shrugs* My dreams are always this weird.

  5. You mean nightmares. Oh I think everyones had nightmares.

  6. leaving out of your body, went to a astral journey with another two escorts who look just like urself?

  7. I get a dream repeatedly when I'm sick and hallucinating from my fever breaking in which I'm falling in a black void of space for all eternity.  You know that weird feeling scratching polyester sheets?  Imagine that intensified 1000x from your sick body rubbing against them while falling down this pit of nothingness.

    Another weird one I had occured when I was roughly 4.  I was playing in my bedroom when I noticed Brahm's Lullaby playing as a mother Cabbage Patch doll was clipping off her daughter Cabbage Patch doll's figers with cuticle scissors.  What added to the dementedness was that the daughter was just stairing off into space with a sick smile and her beady little eyes, letting out monotonous "ow"s.  I found myself in my basement with a giant one of those x-ray machines that check luggage at airport with human skeletons hanging from nooses on the machine.  All the while Brahms' Lullaby was still echoing.  I still have no idea what this could mean.  Most likely nothing.

  8. I've had so many weird dreams its funny... in a lot of my dreams they are either end of the world, etc.... and in a lot of them I am on the streets around my home but the streets look different like I'm in a different place... ugh to the point...

    its hard to explain but my dreams are all over the place and my dreams are not even close to the ones everyone else has mentioned... but I think I did have a physic dream once, I was talking too 2 girls from this mansion a few cities over from where I live, and I knew they were dead and I asked them questions such as "Do you know your dead?" and the older one yelled at me, then I asked them if they knew what Heaven was and they didn't know... that was one of the only dreams I ever had which made any sense... I asked reasonable questions, and I could actually hear their words and sounds unlike in most dreams I get... I always get end of the world dreams usually zombies but its always in a different scenario.. and I'll try to save my parents in my dreams but they don't listen, and I remember in my latest dream, for the first time ever, my dream actually had an ending, I remember the zombies (1 of them was my neighbor) broke down the door while I was trying to block the door with the couch and chairs, but I was ripped apart... I remember I could feel it, it didn't hurt but it was a weird sensation, and then I blacked out and woke up... but like I said, my dreams are much stranger then the ones I told you about, I don't even remember a lot of them... well I do but I don't want to explain em I'll just confuse you :))

  9. for the past three nights i have had the same dream that someone breaks into my house and kills me there are more details than that but i dont know thats prolly the most weird dream i have had in a while its pretty crazy

  10. When I was in 10th grade, I had a dream that a transvestite was trying on my mother's clothes in her bedroom, and when I saw him, he went and hid in the garage where he had begun living.  I had the same dream every night for one month, and the dream progressed further and further each night.  The guy began chasing me, then trying to kill me, I ran farther thru the neighborhood and town to get away from him.  Naturally, no one in my dream that I told about him would believe me.  I think it ended up with me finally flying to get away from him. When the month was over, the dream stopped and I never had it again.  However, since then I have had only nightmares and bad dreams, rarely any decent dreams.  I've had perhaps five decent dreams since then.  Weird!

  11. well besides reruns of super metroid and chronotrigger on my snes the creepiest night terror i ever hed was i was being chased by a demon with a goats head a  human torso and a goats legs and it had a sickle and i was in a part of the city that was on fire or it was partially destroyed or something and a was running from this thing and every turn i would turn it would be right there in front of me so finally i turned a corner and it was right in front of me like it just popped out around that corner from nowhere and i was so tired of running i said **** _it and gave up and like normal people i should have woken up but i didn't and i actually saw it hack me to pieces gore and everything i was only 13 when i had that dream and i still remember it too

  12. I've had the same one a couple of times and believe me it's scary!!

    *A car is driving down our main road and im hanging onto the back of it, the sensation is so real too so I can feel my stomach flying all over the place, then when the car reaches the corner of the road I lose my grip and im put flying for 5 mins n I can feel the sensation again n it's so real, freaky!!

  13. i had a dream about being part of a exorsim after watching the exorsict

  14. Whats = What's

    creapest = creepiest

    where = were

  15. these are personal thing that i don't need to say them

  16. I had one before when i was a child, that i was walking up this big stairs of an old house and i walked into this  dark room and there was a woman tied to a chair in the middle of the room and i had this huge butcher knife and i started stabbing her and cutting big chunks of flesh off her. Anyway, when i woke up from the nightmare the woman was standing in the doorway looking at me. Obviously i was still dreaming but i was scared as h**l and i just jumped out of bed and closed my eyes running down the hall screaming MAMMY !!!!

    God it was awful, i still remember it like it was yesterday !! And it was like  15 years ago !!!   =(

  17. wow so many. but the one dream that freaked me out was this guy dressed up in all black chasing me around me house. he ended up pinning me to the ground and was hitting me in my face a bunch of times(he was trying to rape me!) i woke up screaming and sweating. it still scares me till this day. after that dream i can barely sleep at night. i check all the doors n windows

  18. My nightmare started like this. I was is a deserted street somewhere by the ocean, and it was raining and all the buildings were boarded up and all that. Then I saw that this weird thing was chasing me. It had one eye so I thought it was a cyclops (don't ask me why I was dreaming about a cyclops). Anyway, it chased me into a graveyard, yeah it had to be a graveyard, and it chased me up a tree in the corner. Then I woke up. It was quite freaky at the time.

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