
Whats the current proportion of gases in the earth's atmoshpere?

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in my school have studied the proportion of nitrogen is the highest of around 71 percent and oxygen the 2n place of around 24percent..But these days since the pollution is increasing and afforestation at a high rate ,does the proprotion of oxygen has declined in coparison to Carbon Dioxide Co2




  1. I'm not in favor of pollution and I'm glad that Nixon started the EPA and introduced emissions regulations.

    But CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has increased by 1/11,000th of the atmosphere in the last 200 years.

    It's about 320 parts per million.   That's less than 1 / 20 of 1%.

    250 million years ago it was about 4,000 parts per million and temperatures were about 30% warmer.   Some say the greater vegetation soaked up CO2 otherwise it would have warmed much further - - OK, well Venus, not that anyone wants Earth to become Venus, and leaving out the fact that it's half the distance to the Sun - has over 95% atmospheric CO2 concentration and is about 15 times hotter than Earth.

    As you can see, while CO2 traps heat, there are diminishing returns - rapidly diminishing returns - with CO2.

    It's like insulation - 2 layers insulates more than 1, 3 layers insulates more than 2 but the improvement isn't as much as the 2nd layer gave you - 10 layers doesn't do measurably more than 4, 100 layers doesn't do measurably more than 4, etc....


    Nitrogen 78%

    Oxygen 21%

    Argon 0.9%

    Carbon Dioxide 0.03%

    Water Vapor <0.01%

    Nitrous Oxide <0.01%

    Ozone <0.01%

    Methane <0.01%

    Neon <0.01%

    Helium <0.01%

  3. hope the link below helps:

  4. stop comparing venus to earth in terms of co2 composition.

    Its hotter there because of the pressure and its closer proximity to the sun.  Mar's atmosphere is also 95+% co2 but it isnt hot there.  It just has to do with the density of the atmosphere.

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