
Whats the cute new thing your baby does?

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My son is 8 months old and whenever I pick him up from a nap or after his bottle I put his head on my sholder and pat his back a bit. Latley he has been returning the favor and patting my back at the same time. Its gotta be one of the cutest things ever!




  1. Noah's almost 5 months old. We had about 5 minutes today where I would fake laugh and then he'd giggle away. And whenever I say "Ooooh" he knows I'm going to tickle him so he'll laugh ahead of time.

    They're too cute, aren't they??

  2. One-I only get to pick one thing-lol! Everything my girl does is cute, well not the bitting or scratching she once in a while does but everything else! I'll pick two- first is this zombie noise she does as I rock her to sleep and shes just about there. Mouth and eyes closed she makes this moaning sound just like the zombies from the old movies, its her way of staying awake. She can do it for a few minutes. The second is how giddy she gets when tired- everything makes her laugh and she has this giggle now- too cute. She is 8 months now.

  3. When I walk into nursery at the end of a hard days work and see my little girl sitting on the floor playing with something or playing with one of the other children, then she sees me her bright blue eyes widen and she claps her hands together, kicking her legs and screeching in sheer happiness that I've come.

    Then I say;

    'Hello Heidi Dee Dee' and pick her up and she put her head on my shoulder and goes.

    'aaaaaahhhhhh momma'

    She's 15 months now!

    I love her so much.

    Kez x

  4. My daughter daughter learned to wave and now will wave at anyone and everyone!  She also has started cruising the furniture and keeps looking around to make sure I am watching and telling her what a big girl she is - she just turned 7 months and I love it.

  5. Aaron has started putting his arms out to be picked up and giving little hugs.  Makes me melt.

    Oh, he has been trying to give me a hickey lately when I am rocking him to sleep.  That's when I know he's not going down for a nap :p

  6. My Sophie is 2 months old and she just learned how to giggle! So cute!

  7. thats sooo sweet! i cant wait for those moments. my 3 month old just started giggling instead of screeching for laughter. its beautiful!

  8. How son Noah is two months old and he just started doing this new thing where he starts to suck on his hand and sometimes manages to get his ittie bittie thumb in his mouth by accident so cute.

  9. My son just turned 4 months old and is mastering how to blow bubbles with his drool.  He never stops smiling at me.  Such a mama's boy!

  10. 2 things....sarah has discovered that she can smack her lips together, lol so everytime I give her a bite of something she sits there and smacks ..and then give sthe raspberry.

    and the other is she is starting to know the whole OPEN MOUTH slobber dripping kiss...its so cute and fun. Ill say I love you rah rah, and bring her closer, she will grab my face and open wide and plant one on me. First time I cried cus it was so cute!

    woohooo THUMBS DOWN!! I have a fan!!! :D

    I gave thumbs up :D

  11. that is tooooo cute!!! I hope you get that on video, the cute thing my DD is doing at the moment is when shes feeding (breast) she will look up and me and smile and then when I look down at her she quickly puts her mouth back on my breast as if shes playing hide and seek and she always misses with her mouth when she does that so I end up with little hickies on my breast, its funny how smart they are from such an early age

    edit: who is giving thumbs down???? these answers are gorgeous!!!!

  12. she just learned to clap her hands together last night so now when I say YAY that is what she's so cute...she gets so excited

  13. Seriously I can't just point out ONE thing, they both do soooo many cute and funny things. From giggling at eachother to finding that nook under your chin for them to curl under and fall asleep.

    I love this age, everything is exciting to them

  14. My son almost 14 months old he is SO cute when I feed him, and then I asked him if he want some more, he try to talk like "I do", he try to said more but when he try to talk I know he mean want more so I fed him more, and asked him if he still want more he make noise talk and still said "I DO", It's crack me up! and I laugh when he try talk cause it's sooo friddin' adorable!!! he still do it now every time I asked him if he want more, I am teachin him how to said more, but the way he talked are so cute!

    Edit --- Someone give me thumb down? It's okay I totally understand your just jealous :)

  15. My 13 month old walks around the house saying, 'heyyyyyy' and raises his eyebrow, it's the cutest thing! =]

    And yesterday I took him to do a commercial and his FAVORITE number is '2!'

    Whenever he hears a number, he'll say, 'TWO!' ..

    We did the commercial at 5:30 AM and when the producers count backwards, '5,4,3,2,1' to go on air, he would say, 'TWO!' he kept saying it so much they had to put him and I in another room until it was his turn to go on =]

  16. we play a game called "what's that."  I root around on her neck (she's ticklish there) and I will say "charlotte what's that" and the anticipation of being tickled makes her laugh out is so cute!!  She's 4 months old.

  17. That is so adorable that your baby does that to you!   I tend to stick my tongue out when I am doing things around the house.  My 2 month old now sticks her tongue out and waits for me to stick mine out.  Once I do, she laughs and keeps on sticking hers out!  I must stick it out when I change her diaper and caught onto it!  It is so cute!

    One more thing.  When she has a booger, I take the blue suction thing I got from the hospital and play "booger snatcher" she laughs while I am trying to get it (while I tell her, Booger snatchers going to get the booger!" and once I do, I start clapping and say, "I got the booger!" and she laughs hysterically!  I hope she continues to enjoy this because many of my friend’s kids HATE that!

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