
Whats the deal with McCains choice for his vice president??

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I was thinking about why McCain would choose Alaska’s governor, Palin, because first off, she is rather inexperienced. I came up with a theory:

The Democratic Party is split because of the ordeal with Hillary and Obama. Many democrats (specifically women) are very bitter that Hillary did not get the presidential nomination and are either refusing to vote for Obama, or not voting at all. Since there are all these women up for grabs because of the split, McCain decided to pick a woman to be his V.P. even though she is inexperienced, so that he could snatch up all the Hillary supporters in an effort to gain more votes and push himself into the lead to becoming the next president of the united states.

This is just theory I have come up with in the last hour since I heard about McCain’s V.P. pick, I wanted to know If anyone had come up with something else, and just generally what you thought.




  1. Women up for grabs?  

    Oh oh.  Be careful there buddy.  That's not exactly politicaly correct you know.  Did you forget where you are?

  2. I think you are right, but McCain doesn't get it.  It is an insult to the intelligence of a Hillary voter who respected Hillary's positions as well as her proven experience and leadership on the international stage to expect them to view Palin as a substitute.  Give me a break.  

    Pick an articulate women with experience.  How about McCain's own advisor Carly Fionora or Kay Bailey Hutchison?  To pick a snowflake with little relevant experience from Alaska for this job is just plain irresponsible.   McCain hasn't tossed his biggest cannon against Obama (experience) overboard, he's turned it on himself.  No he looks like a fool for putting the country in the hands of Palin!

    Ask yourself...  If Palin was on the top of the ticket would you vote for her for president right now?   Would you accept a person this thin on experience sitting in the oval office running the gov't in January?  This is McCain's 'Dan Quayle' moment.  What a dumb move.

  3. I do agree that this choice was driven by the Democrats and not a republican desire for this particular candidate.

  4. I agree but also would add one more thing. McCain really needs to shore up his Conservative base. Alone he can not do that but with Governor Palin he just has.

    I actually like the choice. Go McCain.

  5. a great hail mary move..and the first female VP will be Republican..THEN the first female president will be also Republican ..her!  

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