
Whats the deal with Russia and Georgia?

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im so lost




  1. georgians just entered tskhinvali to protect the georgians living there. tskhinvali is said to be russian but there still are georgians living there. they were shooted for whole 4 days and then the georgians entered the region. and that was all the russians wanted to enter georgia passing through roki , and saying they were trying to protect their people they started bombing the capital of the country and other cities. seeing as you ask that question i don't think you have a full view of the situation. i have cos i'm georgian, and the one who lost friends who were trying to save ppl in the willages and cities which russians entered or bombed...just don't read russian web sites so you get the right information, that's the only country saying awful lies...  

  2. I think O has it :]

  3. I totally Agree. Russia needed reason to invade Georgia because of it's ambitions to become NATO and  EU member. Russia is afraid that in this case NATO will border it from the south also. S. Ossetia and Abkhazia are only reasons. on 1993 Russians made hundred of thousands of Georgians to leave their homes in this regions and become refugees in their own country. Many Georgians still live in S. Ossetia and abkhazia and Russians by shooting this Civilian Georgians provocated Georgian government which was trying to defend it's people and territory. Russia has a dream to become New world Leader and rebuild New Soviet Union!

  4. I don't really know, but I heard that a part of Georgia, South Ossetia, had been trying to claim it's independence and Georgia started trying to take it back, as if it's "legally" theirs.  Russia said that it's their duty to protect the Russian citizens in South Ossetia from being taken over by Georgia again.  I suppose they (Russia) will probably try an take over the whole place.  Good for them.  I hate it when somebody interferes with another's independence (unless they are interfering in order to liberate others who want independence)...  I don't really know what the situation is there.  I just like it when people get independence.  Is that wrong?  

    Americans are interested in helping Georgia because of some oil pipe-line that runs through there into Turkey, or something.  I don't really know.  Oh yeah, also because Georgia had been helping Americans in Iraq.  I hope Americans stay out of it.  I mean, it's Georgia's own fault...  They should've let South Ossetia become independent, or maybe not.  Georgia did start the war just hours after the Olympics had begun, on purpose, although, they acted as if Russia had pressured them into it.  I wonder, and doubt it.  

    I hope someone who really knows comes and corrects me, if need be.

  5. the US and Israel back Georgians attacked Russia and when Russia counter attacked the wined to the world saying "oh no look the mighty Russian army is attacking us! help!!! help!!! then the 6,000 US speck ops and thousands of Israel's soldiers along with Georgian forces decimated a Russian city specifically targeting civilians! you can look all this up throw google!

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