
Whats the deal with airline food? :)?

by Guest66856  |  earlier

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Whats the deal with airline food? :)?




  1. Flight attendants have too much to do in their safety requirements to serve meals on flights any shorter than 8 or 9 hours.

    Starting soon, they WILL have time to sell you some food, though.

    I really miss the good old prop days when all stewardesses were single, and had to quit when they got married. Better service, friendlier, and could serve dinner and drinks on 100 minute flight.

  2. What airline food?  I remember hearing about that on the History Channel...

  3. whats wrong with it? Bring your own food Jeez.

  4. Back when they had food, people hated it.  Now they complain that there isn't any.  I think bringing your own is a great idea.

  5. as long as the give no problem with me i paid so much for the airline an they will not give? oh for christs sake hahaha

  6. I have to say, even though it was a microwaved meal, my dinner on the flight across the pond last month wasn't at all bad.  It wasn't gourmet fine dining, but not bad for something that came out of a plastic tray.

  7. The boredom on a 16 hour flight? The food is a welcome relief, something new to do! Bad? No, I welcome the change of pace!

  8. its meant to be quick and inexpensive,usually prepackaged and microwaved.they dont actually cook it on the plane--moslty available on longer flights--intercontinental

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