
Whats the deal with all these movies that are being recorded.?

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like cloverfield. and diary of the dead and all that. i think it's dumb




  1. people are running out of ideas in hollywood

  2. Hollywood needs $$$$$$

  3. i liked cloverfield too...

  4. Somebody thought the shaky camera thing was cool.

    I know I think it's stupid too.

    But it actually saves money on special effects. Because they don't have to film every little detail perfectly and continuously. With the camera cutting in and out like that they don't have to film as much, or like I said in as much detail.

  5. The deal is $$ and more $$$ and we give them our $$$ no matter what we even wait on line to give someone who has a fortune our $$$  

  6. Its riffing on the current youtube generation. Now a days, everyones recording things and uploading on the internet. It only makes sense that today if a monster appears or zombies rise from the dead, tons of people would be recording. It also heightens the realistic factor. It feels like your there.

  7. It's to save on budget costs and to add to the dramatic effect.

  8. well special effects have reached the point where there almost better than reality so ppl start to not be as afraid so there trying to  start to make it seem as though these things can actually happen

  9. Cloverfield was amazing, and I have yet to see diary of he dead. Quarantine should be good too.  

  10. I actually liked Cloverfield.  

  11. Well I personally like watching a movie that makes me dizzy and nauseous. I'm innovative like that.  

  12. they are trying to make it look like an indie film, so it would appeal to people who enjoy realism. It makes the statement that they make movies on a low budget. However, most of them are made by major production companies, which ruins the whole point of indie films.

    Like you, I agree that its dumb that they make it look like its been recorded by a camcorder.

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