
Whats the deal with sharing lanes in New Jersey?

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Iv read the statute for improper passing and the one that defines use of lanes, and neither of them say anythign that prohibits the use of the space inbetween lanes when its availabel such as at a traffic light, or in my case when a lane was partially blocked due to a traffic stop (even the officer commented i had balls when he pulled me over 5 miles down the road) I passed them safely, its not like i was flying through traffic, basicall i came to the back of the patrol car which had just stopped and was blocking the lane that turned right at the traffic light only 75 feet ahead, all traffic was stopped and i stopped, then basically "walked" my bike around the vehicle at sub-engine stalling, clutch slipping speeds. There no question that it was done in a safe manor, and im taking it to trial regardless since i can and always do. I think its gogin to be interesting though since as far as i can see and from what i have read there is no law specifially prohibiting or allowing it.

My question is has anybody here been ticketed for doing somehting similer, and what was your experience in new jersey.




  1. I believe what you are refering to bis lane splitting, and yes it is illegal in New Jersey. Only state I know that is legal is California. Check your ticket and you will see what codes you violated. Whether you consider it safe or not the law says you can't do it. Good luck in court.

  2. If what you did was not legal to do in a car, what makes you think it should be legal to do on a motorcycle? If a car was nosing around between lanes, I bet you would be glad that he got ticketed. It is illegal to pass on the right. It is illegal to pass in break-down lanes. It is illegal to drive on the median. Most states also make it clear that you are supposed to give the police a wide berth in the case of a traffic-stop. Your ticket will likely outline exactly which code of law you broke. You are probably lucky if the policeman only caught you one one of them.

    Some states won't even allow bikes to pass each other in the same lane, even if you are actually riding in stagger formation. If you don't know what I'm speaking of here (stagger), you need to take a motorcycle safety course. If you took the course, you need a refresher.  

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