
Whats the deal with stay at home dads?

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I get the stay at home mom thing, its very natural to stay with your baby. But a stay at home dad? Naturally it is the man that goes out and makes a living. I guess im bothered by two ideas:

1. What kind of mother would want to leave her baby

2. What kind of many wouldnt want to go out and provide for his family?




  1. Maybe the wife has a higher paid position than her husband.. she could be an RN.. then she also has medical coverage for the whole family .. and a dad can be a good dad and learn all the things he needs to know to clean or bathe a baby.. to put new diapers on, to warm milk or baby food.. and a mom she gets time off so the baby will be at least 6 months old before she goes back to work.. so the baby doesn't need breast feeding anymore.. and the dad if he is just a postman or an office clerk he will not get enough money.. in this case the husband and wife will discuss this together.. she knows her husband.. he may have been the one who was there when she gave birth.. he may have been the one who got up several times in the night to change diapers and to soothe the baby.. some dads nowadays can do a great job.. and the baby will not be left until he or she is at least 6 months to a year old. because the mom is entitled to even 3 years at home but if they are short of money she may go back after 6 months or a year.. if the baby is a year old .. the baby can crawl.. the baby can eat baby food.. and the dad is capable to take care.. a lot of modern dads come with their wives to birth classes.. to help them.. they also learn from the wife how to change a diaper.. how to warm bottled formula.. properly...  they are capable some more than others.  a woman knows when she can rely on her husband to be the stay at home dad.. it makes sense if she earns a lot more than him and if they are medically covered with her.. if she happens to be an RN.. then she earns enough .. or she could be a doctor.. x*x she will earn even more.. and have coverage for the whole family to change that would be awkward.. a woman will not leave her child with a husband who is not competent to look after a baby.. modern dads can do quite a lot and they can be reliable.. a wife and husband who really care they discuss this together and they will make this decision together... and it will be the best for the baby.. xx

  2. Some Moms make way more.  If Dad is disabled or only makes 25k a year he'd be crazy to insist on being the bread winner if Mom makes 75k.  

    Many Moms have no option but to work as soon as possible.  In many cultures the parents work and it ends up being the grandparents that raise the child.  Often in our culture both parents must work and the kid gets raised by daycare.

    If a woman can make enough money to have her husband stay home with baby, she's darn lucky.  Aside from her, who else could love the baby more?

  3. well maybe the woman wants to work...take advantage of the hard work spent to get that degree....but i see your point...

    though its also nature when you take into fact that females lions are the ones that provide for the pride of lions while the male lions take care of the young ones.

  4. some women make more than the man. it depends on their situation, if it's best for her to go out to work. maybe he works from home, and that way both make money..who knows??

  5. It depends on a variety of factors.  Say you have a woman who had the support (morale and financial) as well as the intelligence to make it through med school.  Now she has a has a $200,000 surgery position.  She meets a man who wasn't so lucky to have the support or the intelligence the woman, and the man now has a lovely bachelor of arts degree in... philosophy.  (OK.  If you have any intelligence... or at least any common sense... you do NOT get a lone degree in philosophy.)  He's going nowhere fast.  So, it would make more sense to leave the man at home with the children while the woman spends 12 hour days 5 days a week at the hospital earning money for the family.

    By the way, a mother would not want to leave her baby permanently, but I'm sure she would enjoy the break.

    The man should also be careful because if the wife suddenly cannot work anymore, he is going to have to step up to the plate.

  6. Sometimes this is natural may of my friends that are married work just a little and are stay at home dads I know they have a great life and wife. It was common back then and is know because they didn't allow women back then to work and now more a days they take them to day-cares.

  7. I'm a stay at home father.  Out of need.

    1. I lost my job while my wife was preg (due to the recission) She has a stable job and can support our needs.  She doesn't want to leave our baby.

    2. I'd love to provide and I have but the economy is so bad in my area if i get a job my check would got to child care, my wife loves her job and doesn't want to leave.  It just makes sense.

  8. well if the guy wants to stay home let him

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