
Whats the deal with the military/gov't?!

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America is great. I would never want to live anywhere else...I love this country and all it stands for and those who serve hubby is in the air guard and I am just FRUSTRATED w/ the military and gov't! They deploy him so much its hard to find a steady job so he works on orders at the base between deployments while looking for a civilian job and finish his college degree (which has taken 4 years already). but the military life is keeping us in limbo! he started a job about 4 months ago when he got home from Iraq at the base that was suppose to turn into a full time position and he wouldnt be deployed as much...and then the week before he started the "funding" fell through and now he's just been on orders for months at a time. he works an hour away all week while I work where we live...we're spending money on hotels during the week (believe it or not its cheaper than him driving home every day) and we can't buy a house or settle down. Its stressing us both out. Im working at a stable but stressful/unhappy job and we'd like to move down to where he is working b/c of the opportunities but can't b/c for the last 6 months everythign has been up in the air...with another deployment possible and that dumb job. I guess I'm venting but why is everything hurry up and wait? we're stuck in a bad situation we can't get out of. its hard to think about being stuck when he's the one serving out country and can't get anything out of it.




  1. I've got a very different outlook on this entire military issue, it boils down to this.

    America is fighting wars for everyone else, why is it the americans that are getting killed, let people fight their own battles ( or is it just a fight for all the worlds oil).

    My point is, whats more important, to fight for your country or to fight for God.

    Is there an american heaven when we die?

    Has Got got a heaven for us when we die?

    Something to ponder very seriously

  2. Uhmmm, Yeah well thats Military life, Deal with it.. sorry to sound harsh...

    If you're that unhappy talk to your husband about this enlistment being his last so you can "settle" down.

    He doesnt get choices because he is "owned" by the govt .. so that means, you dont either as far as where he works. Figure out how to make it work better, there is always a way.

    One of my friends husbands got busted down to a PVT last week and they are selling everything they own to make their bills plus she is 37wks preg....His paycheck is 800 a month now.

    So just remember there is always someone else out there who has it worse.

    But trust me I understand frustration with the military ... but thats part of military life.

    No one ever said it was easy hun :(.  

  3. These frustrations have nothing to do with the military itself...these are the results of the politicians in charge right now. If you have issues, take it up with them.  

  4. First of all God bless you and your husband for what you do and the sacrifices you make.

    It is difficult to be a family in the military and it has always been that way. Hang in there.

    Things will ease up eventually.

    As far as getting anything out of it, he is getting paid.

    If he loses a job because of being in the military, that is illegal.

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