
Whats the deal with this recession and when is it going to end?

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I barely get to drive my SUV cause its so freakin expensive, everyone's raising their prices for absolutely anything, and I've been job searching for months without any luck. This is how I'm being affected directly. Any suggestions......

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  1. It will not end .. I believe we have been going through a class change in this county for the last 20-25 years.. it has been gradual.. The industrial revolution and wwII created a huge middle class in this country..  The industrial revolution is over.. WWII ended...and the change started.. slowly... Then the computer and electonic age arrived and has increased the speed of the change.. less higher paying jobs in industry ..more lower paying jobs in service sectors... now the energy thing and the global economic thing.. is taking more people out of the middle class.. I believe we are going to end up with a large Low-middle income class most of whom can afford just the basics of life.. small homes, small vehicles or scooters.. like in lots of other older countries... In this country most of the people will end up in the a big low moderate income class and a few of the middle class will move up into the wealther class.. most will end up in the low moderate income class though.. The global thing(jobs going over seas imports from over seas) is damaging the middle class bad.. not to mention the decline of the dollar and fuel cost that are related to the decline of the dollar and supply and demand ... demand from new industrial  countries..  It has very little to do with elections.. one person can not change what has been happening... and what is going to happen..that is dreaming..

  2. Everything starts with the high fuel prices.  The high fuel prices cost more to transport goods, thus **** rolls down hill, the prices of the goods go up.  The fuel situation is similar to it what happened in the 70's and 80's.  Fuel was really cheap about 10 years ago, so car manufacturers started making everything bigger, much like in the 70's.  Also like in the 70's the fuel economy of these large vehicles were poor.  So we were using up tons of the cheap fuel and as the demand for fuel goes up, so does the price.  So now we need to do as we did in the 80's and make everything more fuel economical.

    So people like you with SUV's are partly to blame, but the real problem is how much fuel China is using now that people in their country are driving more cars every day.  So that is probably one reason fuel prices are high now, which is a big contributing factor to the situaton of the econonmy.

  3. Officially in a recession?  Immaterial.

    If you are that wary, you will need to consider a lifestyle change.  Move to a smaller place, preferrably nearer to an urban area to take advantage of public transportation and pedestrian lifestyle.  The locale will also keep you near a major job market, to increase your chances of finding a job.

    Then there's the low-hanging fruit like buying off-brand, biking, and deciding on less leisure time in favor of a second job.

    Yes, it can get pretty hairy, but I'd recommend you look to your parents as a guide.  They have survived with less and even took care of kids while they were at it.

    Good luck!

  4. all that I can say is that I really do feel your pain and I think there are millions of americans in the same boat your in, I don't see things getting any better till after this election is done so I should say we will see some kind of improvement in January.

  5. we are not in a recession.  Maybe in another month or so we will be in a recession.

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