
Whats the diff between green goblin and hobb goblin?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike there really a difference besides it being 2 different people?




  1. ones green and ones a hobb..............duh jk idk

  2. Its from spiderman.. no diff, just 2 diff ppl

  3. i belive the hobb goblin was black (or use to be at lesst) and wasn't a super powered nutcase

  4. colors

  5. to different people and son and father

  6. Hobby is pretty much a clone of greenie. hobby's powers are mystical in origin while greenie's are more experimental medical.

  7. well... not all that much. i think there is a difference in the weaponry used, and appearance. basically after the original green goblin, there were copycats that wanted to attack spidey for various reasons.

  8. The Hobgoblin was created by writer Roger Stern when he was writing the Amazing Spider-Man in the early 1980s. Like other writers Stern found himself under pressure to have Spider-Man fight the Green Goblin again but did not wish to bring Norman Osborn or Bart Hamilton back from the dead, have Harry Osborn become the Green Goblin again or create yet another Green Goblin. Instead he decided to create a new character as heir to the Goblin's legacy and developed the Hobgoblin.

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