
Whats the diffenence between blue milk, green milk and red milk? why did they make all these diffenent milks?

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I would just like to know, i'm curious...




  1. Just the amount of fat in the milk.

    Blue label: "full fat"

    Green label: "semi-skimmed"

    Red label: "skimmed"

  2. if ur referring to the colour of the tops then the blue is full cream milk, green is semi skimmed and red skimmed. the differences relate to the amount of fat in each one, some people prefer lower fat versions.  

  3. Nicola B is correct

  4. There are at least three other milks (as well as flavoured)

    So-called "Breakfast Milk" which was always called Channel Island milk because it comes from the breed of Channel Island cows - this is a much creamier and fatter milk than that from, say Friesans.

    Then you have Sterilized Milk - has a slightly weird taste but many people like it.  This keeps better without refrigeration and was the mainstay of people who used little milk pre the 1960's when few people had fridges.

    Long-life milk which comes in sealed cartons, and as it says, has a longer shelf-life till it has been opened.  Then it degrades fairly rapidly.

  5. normally:

    red = skimmed (basically tastes like water and is for people on strict diets, or who are just plain weird)

    Green = semi skimmed (some of the fat taken out, but still tastes like milk.  This is what most people use)

    Blue = whole fat milk (creamiest and tastiest, but with all the fat in - i normally only use this if I'm making some creamy pud with milk in it)

  6. Blue milk is full fat milk and very bad for you. It is made for people who like creamy milk and basically made for its great taste.

    Green milk is semi skimmed milk and made for people who like the taste of milk, but dont want to put on weight. It still tastes nice and it is healthier than blue milk.

    Red milk is made for people with diabetes or people who are dieting. It is very watery and tastes very watery. This is because it is much healthier for its design purpose.

    They make all these different milks because so many people are on different diets.

  7. one is blue,

    one is green and

    one is red

    hahahaha lolxx

    next time your in the supermarket read the labels on the different milks it will tell you  

  8. nicola b answer says it all

  9. i think i must have missed this whole section of the dairy aisle!

  10. Various degrees of interference by the E.C. in the way of telling us how to do away with anything like a decent drop of milk by altering - i.e. diminishing the fat content and therefore the flavour and creaminess of it.

    I HOPE you're referring to the colour of the tops of the containers and not that of the milk itself!

    Blue top is that standard - 3% fat as ORDERED by the EC crowd. It's nothing like REAL milk from a farm as it been processed and messed about with long before we get near it.

    Green top is even worse, being only 2% fat - hence the title "semi-skimmed" (most of the goodness removed,,,!)

    Red top is like white water with little left except the colour - "Skimmed" - of practically everything! Talking to yourself would give you more pleasure than drinking red top!

    There is also GOLD top - and that's milk which has come from Jersey cows (That's the breed, not the place!) and is the nicest creamiest and least messed about with that you can get outside of a farm!

    There are others, such as "Sterilised Milk" which lasts for ages, and that has been superseded by "U.H.T." milk - a heat treated milk similar to sterilised milk . Both are quite vile!

  11. blue is full fat green is half fat and red is no fat.

  12. Full cream, half fat and skimmed probably.

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