
Whats the difference between 'Pillows' and 'Cushions'?

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I was wondering as i was looking at a home decor website and the categories ave BOTH 'pillows' and cushions'..... i cant tell the difference . can anyone help? and please dont be rude and say something like there is no difference because aparantly there IS. thanks!=]




  1. pillows are designed for comfort and cushins are designed for decorative purposes

  2. MJ has it right. Pillows are meant for sleeping and cushions are just for decorative purposes.

  3. Pillow goes on your bed to rest your head on when you sleep. They're designed to be comfortable while sleeping and sometimes also specially designed to support your neck.

    Cushions are mainly for on the couch (can also be put on your bed during the day for decoration) and are meant for back support or just plain comfiness or decoration. Usually harder than pillows and small squares or circles rather than rectangles.

    Cushions are no fun to sleep on like pillows are :)

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