
Whats the difference between Accounts Department and Administration Department?

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What's the difference between the accounts and administration department, just explain me clearly, some examples if possible.




  1. Administration department handles responsibilities associated with

    1. Development of new Office premises including contracting vendors for furniture fixtures, computers, cables, water, electricity etc.

    2. Maintenance of existing Office premises for e.g. Janitors, electricity, pantry

    3. Security of the premises (internal and external)

    4. Procurement of Stationary

    In short all activities which is essential to ensuring setting up of the office place and regular maintenance of the same.

    Account department is primarily responsible for

    1. Accounting for expenses and income

    2. Vendor payments

    3. Income tax liabilities management

    4. Drawing up the Financial Statement (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts)

    5. Management Information Systems relating to performance of the business

    6. Maintenance of ledgers

    etc. etc

    Rinaldo, ACA

  2. Administration Department handles Human Resources, Details from whom to Purchase, fixes Rates, handles negotiations with Vendors, and looks after all administrative duties.

    Accounts Department pays and receives payments according to policies set by the Administration Department.   Balances the books of accounts, and alerts the Admin Department when a border (due date for payment, Less Balance in account than required, etc..) is reached.

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