
Whats the difference between Formula 1 and NASCAR... which is better??

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Whats the difference between Formula 1 and NASCAR... which is better??




  1. Formula 1 is a franchise, and is the pinnacle target of any race driver. It is not only schedule in  global circuits, but also, all the prime top commercial brands are out there. Call it cream of the crop. In fact, some teams competing therein are not commercially producing their units for the general public, but solely devoted to Formula 1. NASCAR on the other hand is only based in the USA, and has no other franchise around the globe. Prestige-wise, it is not as glamorous as F-1, but is serves a good purpose. Any top driver of NASCAR can set his eyes in joining F-1, on  condition: if he qualifies in their elimination runs, and more so, if he can find a big name in the sport who can "adopt" him in the team, say, Mercedes, or BMW. But for motoring enthusiasts  in the USA, NASCAR is more accessible, whereas F-1 has so many venues, like Monaco, Dubai, or Macao, and it is highly unlikely that an ordinary fan can follow them as they hold races in different circuits. Dream, anyway!

  2. This question is deceptive. It sounds so simple, and yet it is very difficult to answer properly. There have been some wonderful answers, namely Bobby and Martin. There have also been some rather uninformed answers, but back to the question at hand. Both are simply car races where cars must conform to standards set by a governing body. They are excuses for people to strap themselves into something fast and try to beat the next person to the finish line. It's the same reason there are track and field races, ski races, bobsled, bike and speed skating races. It all boils down to competition. Both have their roots in the car races of the early 1900's. The European races of the 20's and 30's for F1 and the beach course races at Daytona Beach, Florida in the 30's. I'm not going to go into specifics here so that I can keep this answer to the point. You can find all the specifics you could want by going to the links provided in the "source" section below.

    Now, let's divide this up for ease of comparison.

    Formula One is open wheel racing, meaning simply that the cars' wheels are open, or not covered by the skin of the vehicle. The sport is basically technology driven. Manufacturers spend time and money in research and development to produce new parts construction materials etc. to make their cars faster than the next guy. The courses are generally road courses, a term meaning that the course consists of left and right turns as well as straights. As mentioned by others F1 races are sometimes run on courses made of blocked off city streets. They also race in the rain and use a different type of fuel. F1 races take place all over the world.

    NASCAR is stock car racing, meaning that the cars are loosely based on 4 door sedans currently in production by the auto makers that compete in the series; Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, and Toyota starting in 2007. The cars do use older technology, but they are meant to emulate the classic American hot rods. It's the idea of taking what you have and doing enough modifications to beat the other guy. Although, in NASCAR, those modifications must meet the standards and fit the rules. They compete on many different tracks, although most are considered oval. There are many configurations though; ovals, tri-ovals, quad-ovals, nearly rectangular, triangular, and even egg shaped like Darlington. They also race on two road courses each season. The oval type tracks differ in more than shape. They fit into three categories by length, "short tracks", "intermediate" and "super speedways". The tracks also have varying degrees of banking which, along with length, contribute to the attainable speeds. Two of the super speedways, Daytona and Talledega, use a restrictor plate because they also have high banking. The restrictor plate is a plate with regulation sized holes placed between the carburetor and intake manifold to restrict the flow of air and fuel, causing a reduction in power and speed. Unrestricted engines at these tracks can produce over 750 horsepower and reach speeds near 230 mph.

    Many people say NASCAR is more exciting because of the crashes, while Formula 1 "is recognized as the highest class of auto racing in the world." Neither has any bearing on which series is better. That is based purely on opinion and you'll have to decide that for yourself. As you can see from the amount of information, I know more about NASCAR because I'm a fan. I even took a class in college called "The Evolution of Southern Motorsports" that went into all aspects of the sport. No matter what anyone else says, you should look at both series and make your own decision on which one you feel is better.

  3. Oh geez! The answer is simple:F1 is 1,000,000,000 times better than NASCAR!

  4. Formula one is the very highest form of motor racing. It is the most technically advanced, has the most skilled drivers, and is raced on street courses, meaning that every track is entirely differently shaped. Nascar is far less advanced and is raced almost exclusively on ovals. In my opinion, F1 is FAR more interesting.

  5. Formula 1

  6. F1 is like a plastic wing with a huge motorbike engine,

    NASCAR is like a quick taxi going around a elongated roundabout!

    The differences are many and endless.....

  7. Formula One drivers are there because they are the best in the world. Every component of the car is at the cutting edge of modern technology. In fact, many features found in today's cars evolved from Formula One (turbocharging, traction control, ABS, stability management, continuously variable transmission, crumple zones, etc.). Formula One cars are light, powerful, and are extremely manuverable.

    NASCAR, on the other hand, has drivers who are less skilled. Additionally, the cars do not use very advanced technology. Driving a stock car takes little to no knowledge of braking or lines, there is simply a high or low side of the track. Also, NASCAR is rather boring, since races can last up to 300 laps around the same oval track with all left-hand turns.

    Formula One races on street courses or tracks with varied layouts that test the cars braking, acceleration, lateral grip, and driver skill. Formula One is better because it requires more from both car and driver.

  8. F1 has about 20 cars a race with no passing.Nascar starts 43 wrecks about 10 and has more passing in the first lap than all season in F1.

  9. Well, F1 is more well known and I hate NASCAR.

  10. Whats the difference???...the answer is simple....gross amounts of money with several prima donna's ....a ton of politics, no passing, absurd admission costs for spectators all for what.....You can run all of Nascar of McLarens budget!!!!

    Nascar, is tighter, with closer racing and far more action that F1.

    NASCAR is No1.

  11. NASCAR, is better, more people are noticed, and the races are fun!

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