
Whats the difference between a GED and a High School Diploma?

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I am only 15 and in the 10th grade now but next year i was thinking about trying to get my GED so i can skip two years of high school and go into college. Our local college has a radiologist tech. program that i am interested in and i can finish it in the two years i would be wasting in high school. Is there any difference between the GED and a High School Diploma or does it really matter as far as employment since you have a college education? I live in

Texas if that makes any difference.




  1. in my experience, 95% of jobs and colleges and programs and scholarships that require a diploma will also take a GED.  there are very few that wont.  look into the schools and jobs youd like to get into, since you seem very ambitious that wont be hard.  see what they require.  it might be best to complete high school though, to have a well-rounded education will plenty of electives to get a feel for what else you might like if this original plan does not fall through.  i would stay in high school because its good for your character- you meet friends and have lots of fun experiences.  you will never go back and do prom or those stupid football games again.  high school is a once in a lifetime thing.  i think youd regret skipping it.

  2. You won't be able to complete the rad tech program at your age. You need to be 18 because of the use of radiation.

  3. If you're under 18, you can't go for a GED unless your parents sign a consent form.

    And you don't just go take a test -- you have to take classes and STUDY, so it's not a way out of school. You still need to prepare.

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