
Whats the difference between a Mexican ghetto and a black ghetto?

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We were looking for a place to park so we could hop on the L and my bf refused to park in the black ghetto. He's like theres mostly good people here but there are a very few that just want to start trouble and I dont want to get into a fight tonight. Then hes like and plus I dont know black culture to well. So he drives to the Mexican Ghetto and parks. I was like whats the difference. Then he goes I'm Italian I have a little more understanding of a Mexican ghetto since I grew up in an Italian ghetto. He said that Mexicans are either hard working people or they are involved in the drug cartel. But he said either way they will leave you alone as long as you leave them alone. Well nothing happened but I was just wondering what everyone else thinks? I mean I never heard of an Italian ghetto before?




  1. Mexican ghettos are worse. They have more gangs because of illegal immigration for example. Since Hispanics are the least educated, the most likely to drop out of high school, and make the least money they also have more damage

  2. there is no difference. Ghetto is Ghetto.- straight simple.

  3. There is no difference. I think your BF just felt more comfortable going to the mexican ghetto, because he looks more like them, so it makes him feel more comfortable.... but to be honest, a ghetto is a ghetto, and they are all dangerous.

  4. There really isn't a difference. Yeah, there are two different races but that doesnt change anything. Ghetto isnt based on race, it's based on the surroundings. Ghetto is GHETTO. Race has nothing to do with it.

  5. Well, I've never been in a Mexican, Black or Italian ghetto but I can pretty much assure you they're probably all the same.  The difference is like you said, the people.  I think your bf is a little biased and his safest bet is to park in a parking garage near the L, if he's so concerned about which ghetto is more dangerous.  I mean really....

  6. O_o. Ghetto is ghetto. If you love your car, don't park in the ghetto, don't matter which lol.

  7. He is just stereotyping form his experiences I guess. Ghettos are ghettos, there are more trouble makers there than good people but not every person that lives in the "ghetto" is a bad person. I was born in what people might call a ghetto (I'm mexican) in california and there were only a few people that got arrested often for drug dealing. I don't live in california anymore I live in the suburbs of a small city in Washington. Its just the way your boyfriend perceives black and mexican ghetos to be but it is not a fact.

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