
Whats the difference between a blue-ray DVD and a normal one??

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I was wondering can you play blue-ray dvd's in a normal dvd player or does the dvd player have to say it can play blue rays...

and what is the difference are blue rays a better quality?




  1. You cannot play blu-ray dvd's on a regular dvd player.  The blu-ray disc can hold more than 10 times that data than a regular dvd so you can put high definition movies on them with all sorts of special features - so yes, the quality is vastly superior to regular dvd's.

  2. Blu-ray holds more data.

    It uses a blue laser, not a red laser. (so, no, you can't play a blu-ray disk in a regular dvd player.)

    The blue light has a shorter wavelength than a red laser, so there can be higher data-density.  More data storage means it can contain all the information required for a higher-resolution picture.

    Normal DVD has 480 lines of resolution, Blu-ray has 1080 lines of resolution.

    The "P" [ as in 1080p] means that the 'scan' is progressive -- every line of image is refreshed each frame, while standard scan is 'interlaced' -- every other line is refreshed each frame. So the P is delivering twice the data, and is that much clearer a picture.

    The scan usually only matters during fast action sequences, and generally a blu-ray player sends more data during fast action sequences than a LCD player can 'render' or draw on the screen. So during scenes with lots of motion, the LCD screen can get digital squares drawn on it instead of a nice image.

    I like my blue-ray player, it's awesome.

  3. bluray is played on 1080p. the best out there. the dvd is the lowest now! you can not put blurays in dvd, blurayys disc go in bluray player!

  4. blue ray is high definition, high def, hdtv but in a cd form. It looks very clear and nice. They even have old movies on high def. They take the original 35mm film and can make it. dvd cannot play blue ray, the ps3 can at a lower price than just a blue ray player. same as when ps2 could play cd's and dvd's when they 1st came out. It was always a pain to listen to music or watch a dvd on the game system but if you can't afford the new technologies it's nice to have them all in one place.  

  5. OK real science stuff here. The Blue-ray is a blue laser instead of a red laser. The blue light from the laser has a much shorter wavelength. So the blue laser can read a smaller "piece" of information then the red laser. So you can fit more information on the same size area, say a cd disk. With more information - data you can have higher resolution's for graphics.

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