
Whats the difference between a crown prince and a prince?

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Crown prince and a regular prince, whats the differnece??




  1. Crown Prince and Crown Princess whatever the case maybe is a courtessy title that He/She Maybe married to The First born Son/daughter or primogeniture of a King. As of today this title is being currupted and allegely being puppet by Denmark, The First born Son/daughter is address officially as Crown Princess Royal of Wales & Farnese for Denmark/UK. and le Grand Dauphin of France. Because you cannot just be address a crown princess royal if you do not inherit your King & Queen Parents royal title. Statistic as of today Only Wales and Farnese has been confirmed of a Crown Princess Royal for Treaty of Paris bio-spheric Statute order for Shengen States not just Denmark. Because you should be a four cornered royal as must be first born either you are a female or male.  King Edward VIII was titled Duke of Ruthsay and not Crown Prince Royal of Denmark and UK. But just prince of wales.

    Other Kingdoms of  official primogeniture Saudi Arabia Korea, Tailand, India, ...Atleast you can go freacking fishing to this kingdoms!!!

  2. A Crown Prince or Crown Princess is the heir or heiress apparent to the throne in a royal or imperial monarchy. The wife of a crown prince is also titled crown princess.

    In Europe, lineal succession conventions usually dictate that the eldest child (as in Sweden, Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands) or the eldest son of the current monarch (Spain, United Kingdom, Denmark) fills this role as "Crown Prince or Crown Princess."

    Some Europe monarchy have their own special titles for their "Crown Prince". In France the heir to the throne is called a Dauphin, and in the United Kingdom the heir to the throne is referred to as "Duke of Cornwall."

    A Prince is generally a title given to the sons of a monarch, all male offspring from the royal male-line will be called Prince X, however, there can only be one "Crown Prince" at a time. Basically, the monarch had chosen its heir and he has already decided to give his crown to that particular Prince.

  3. Crown prince is first in line for the throne

  4. A Crown Prince is generally the heir to the throne. An "ordinary" prince is just that. A Prince.

    Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark (heir to his mother Queen Margrethe) and his brother Prince Joachim.

  5. All of the above answers are so true. Usually the first born is to be Crown Prince, or Princess. The siblings are next in line if the Crown Prince or Princess dies. I studied about the kings and queens, what makes them blue blooded? They are the same as everyone else. Over times of the past, some murdered relatives to become kings or queens. From what I can get out of the history, it all boils down to the strongest person who could control others to follow and who were willing to have their rivalries abolished to gain power by taxing the people of all the money they had. Today the young ones are trying to be normal people.  I think once Queen Elizabeth has left the throne, that will be the end of real behaving royalty. She is quiet the Lady of Royalty.

    If you check into the Lord, Lady and other titles, you can buy them.

  6. A crown prince is one who is directly in line to become King or is already the monarch of a principality and not a Kingdom.

    The crown prince( the one who one day is to be crowned) may have a younger brother. He would also be a prince but without the title of crown.

  7. Crown prince is a prince in line to the throne, the next heir, the next King. He's next, should the King pass away. Prince is just a normal prince..

  8. Prince Charles isn't called the 'crown prince'. We call him the 'heir to the throne'. 'Crown prince' is a continental thing.

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