
Whats the difference between a king and a pharaoh?

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I'm doing this ap essay and my teacher is realy strict on details. I really need to know this! PLEEEEEEASE!




  1. King is a broader term, usually associated with smaller nations but could also be a city or in some cases even a tribe.

    Pharaoh was a very specific title given to the ruling monarch of Ancient Egypt.  The Pharaoh was more akin to an emperor in his powers, but also was accorded the status of a god.

    No nation other than Egypt ever had a Pharaoh--many nations have had kings and even emperors.  The Pharaoh is usually associated with male rulers, but the title could also be held by a female.

    Pharaohs ruled in Egypt for nearly 3,000 years, until Roman times.

  2. "Pharoah" is a very culturally specific term denoting the supreme leader in Ancient Egypt.  This was more than just title but also a state of being.  The Pharoahs were considered divine, a god in human form.

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