
Whats the difference between a pass and a cut-off?

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in driving. what is a cut-off ?




  1. Passing means gauging your time accurately and leaving yourself plenty of time, passing the person, then gently coming back in front of them at least 20 feet ahead of them, preferably more like 30 or 40 feet.

    Cutting off can be one of two things really.

    The first is passing someone and then coming back in front of them so close that they have to break or steer to avoid you.

    The other would be someone who comes across close enough that it's a hazard to driving, like within 5 to 10 feet of your car.

  2. pass is when you go safely around the car and a cut off is when you get in front of them un-safely

  3. Space

  4. Passing means you moved back over safely without affecting anyone. To cut off means you moved back over too soon and almost took the car behind you front bumper off or caused the other driver to have to brake.

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