
Whats the difference between an eejit and a gobshite?

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Whats the difference between an eejit and a gobshite?




  1. an eejit is a fool... low intelligence, a bit thick... completely stupid

    a gobshite on the other hand is not stupid but very irritating, talks alot but doesnt say much... completely full of c**p

  2. i really cant tell the difference between Bertie and Brien Cowan,please please tell me the answer!.the suspense is killing me,and just what did Bertie mean by "smokes and daggers"?.....

  3. Neither are particularly offensive.  

    One calls the person intellectually challenged, and the other calls the person a bull shittier (someone who speaks with shite in their gob; gob being slang for mouth).

    Actually, gobshite is slightly more offensive than bull s*****r.  It actually implies that the person is not nice, whereas a bull s*****r can be a funny person.

  4. eejit is just 'idiot' basically. This could be a word you throw at someone for their idiotic behaviour or just a (slightly unkind) way of describing someone who's a bit simple. 'Gobshite' is a much more aggressive remark that refers to someone's unfavourable or unappropriate behaviour or outward character.

    Yeh big gobshite, yeh...

  5. eejit - some one really stupid

    gobshite - some one who talks shite

  6. Eejits are silly harmless feckers,gobshites are deliberately nasty.

  7. An eejit is an unintentional fool,  a gobshite is a person who should know better.  I proceed both words with 'fecken' on whats becoming an all too regular basis.

    I never heard of one being from the Republic and the other Northern, thats interesting to know.

  8. ive been called both.

  9. Descending  "complimentary "  sobriquets

    Gobshite  .. de luxe a$$ole

    Boshtoon....emerging GS.

    Eejit .....subgaduate

    Clautawn..  offensively " harmless"

    Cute h**r... slick operator

    Caubogue...secretly "brilliant" ..emerging Cute h**r

    ......"and if you want to know more, call back again tomorrow"

  10. nothing- both are yamadories....

  11. An eejit is a southern Irish term used for someone with little common sense - a gobshite - is a Northern Ireland term for someone that talks a lot of bull!

  12. An eejit is in the Republic of Ireland and a gobshite is in Northern Ireland...... but both are dickheads.

  13. well an eejit is an idiot. One might call Tadhg an eejit if he tripped over or if he put salt instead of sugar on his cornflakes.

    A godshite is a slightly less nice remark. The irish word for beak is gob and is used to mean mouth. A gobshite is a nasty person who says or does something that is intentional and horrible.

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