
Whats the difference between + and - on blank dvd discs?

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Whats the difference between + and - on blank dvd discs?




  1. its a brand. i think - is older and + is for newer dvd players.

  2. Hi Bri,

    The DVD+R and DVD-R are competing formats much like the old VHS and Beta formats in video tapes. Today most drives are Hybrid and handle both formats. They are usually labeled DVD+/-R

    The market for recordable DVD technology never settled down in favor of either the plus or dash formats, which is mostly the result of the increasing numbers of dual-format devices that can record to both formats; it has become very difficult to find new devices that can only record to one of the formats. However, because the DVD-R format has been in use since 1997, it has had a five-year lead on DVD+R. As such, older or cheaper DVD players (up to 2004 vintage) are more likely to favor the DVD-R standard exclusively, and when creating DVD’s for distribution (where the playing unit is unknown or older) the DVD-R format would normally be preferable.

    My personal experience has led me towards using the +R. It is slightly better at error handling so more tolerant of dirty or damaged media and also more tolerant to the subtle differences between players.


  3. They are different formats. Check the manual for your recorders and players to see which are compatible. Most newer recorders and players will do both.

  4. Oooh its all very boring, but - is the official format sanctioned by the official DVD body and + was designed by sony and philips.  + has some extra features that - doesnt. But my brain forgot the difference because the inormation was so useless and pointless and it wanted to use that memory bit to memorise pi to an additional 2 places.

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