
Whats the difference between army MP and National Guard MP?

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is their even a difference? or is the army MP in more combat? is the national guard MPs over seas as much?




  1. They are both cops, onr full time one part time. I saw mp's do a few raids when i was deployed, but i also saw them on post in Iraq giving speeding tickets. Keep in mind as an MP whenever you see people it will most times be on bad terms, other soldiers will hate you cause they think your"s******g" them when your really keeping them out of trouble...good luck whatever you do.

  2. The only difference is that National Guard soldier has 2 bosses the President of the USA and the State Governor.

    The State can order a Guardsman to assist in matters of the state such as floods, or riots, or other disasters that the local authorities and emergency services cant deal with on its own.

    The Federal side can order the National Guard to federal service in cases of war or other incidents that require more troops or specific types of troops to accomplish a mission.

    I currently am an Air National Guard Security Forces member (think of Army MP only in the Air Force) We have the same responcibilities as our active duty cousins and we can be deployed as they do. The only difference is most of the Guard are civilians for most of the month and Air Force 2 days a month, where the active side is doing the Air Force job every day.

  3. Well the Army MP is a active duty unless you go Army Reserve which would be technically the same thing as National Guard. Active duty Army actually fulfills their job as a MP everyday. National Guard/Reserve is just weekend warriors. Both are sent overseas especially MP's.

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