
Whats the difference between aspergers and dyslexia? I see their are alot of similarities

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from hearing a person explain the problems they had in school with learning and everything and I had them to but didnt have aspergers but had all of the exact same things they explained they had.... it seems people with aspergers simply have dyslexia

Sorry if I spelled somethings wrong hopefully you can understand everything without saying something about it.....




  1. dyslexia-Very poor reading and spelling in a bright person with nothing else wrong.

    aspergers-Asperger's Disorder is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder.   Both Asperger's Disorder and Autistic Disorder are in fact subgroups of a larger diagnostic category.  This larger category is called either Autistic Spectrum Disorders, mostly in European countries, or Pervasive Developmental Disorders ("PDD"), in the United States.  In Asperger's Disorder, affected individuals are characterized by social isolation and eccentric behavior in childhood. There are impairments in two-sided social interaction and non-verbal communication. Though grammatical, their speech may sound peculiar due to abnormalities of inflection and a repetitive pattern. Clumsiness may be prominent both in their articulation and gross motor behavior.  

    my younger brother has aspergers syndrome.  he was 8 before potty trained, 6 before speaking, and epileptic sezuires.  he's very high functioning and was in special ed classes till he graduated but was mainstreamed by the time he was like 10.  he is one of those that he takes a pen, pencil, stick whatever and twirls it.  he walks up and down picket fences looking at them.  my brother is 26 but only functioning at 10.  

    on the other hand dyslexia is when a person confuses b's with d's and q's with p's.  they also have problems reading cause of the letter confusion.

  2. aspergers is more closely related to autism - you can find an intro to those PDDs (pervasive developmental disorders) here

    dyslexia has more to do with a difficulty reading (depending on how your brain interprets the characters you see)

  3. If you look at my video you can see a differents:

  4. No, I don't think people with Asperger's have many of the symptoms of dyslexia, they're completely different conditions one impairs social functioning & the other impairs the ability to read and write, how are they similar?  

    The inability to read body language is completely different to the inability to read a sentence  

  5. Aspergers syndrome is a form of Autism and dyslexia may be a symptom in some cases but they are definitely not the same. Dyslexia is when you see things backward, read backward, or your eyes track words and different rates. My older sister has dyslexia and I was reading before she was. I was diagnosed with very high functioning Autism when I was 19. (meaning I showed signs of autism and aspergers but it didn't affect my education or work life, only my social life.) My sister's right eye reads faster than her left eye, so when she'd try to read she'd have to focus on each word, sometimes each letter at a time, making her a slow reader. For myself I developed into a speed reader because I was fascinated by books and I could read a whole string of words as if they were one word (not looking at individual words but deriving meaning from the whole line of words.) With Aspergers, dyslexia can be in there, but people with Aspergers tend to be object oriented. They can be drawn to certain shapes, types of things or types of touch depending on the person. One may have a fetish for trains, another may need lots of full body pressure to relax. People with autism and aspergers tend to be higher strung. Easily agitated and they need a schedule or they could get stressed out.

  6. ummm dyslexia is when people see things all mixed up kind of to put it all simple. and aspergers is someone that has like down syndrome but a different type were they are very great at one thing, think Enestine...

  7. dyslexia is a condition to do with learning thing get jumbled up on way in and out on paper work . like reading takes longer and spelling a problem.

    aspergers is a social problem like not knowing whats ok to say and do around people and can also include having obsesion with a subject they can think its so intresting but no one else does.

    aspergers is a comletley different thing from dyslexia but people with asp often have dyslexia too.

    dont belittle a condition you dont understand the person cant help it and couldn't understand your resoning like you mean it.

  8. there are other differences besides the learning difficulties

  9. Aspergers has nothing to do with dyslexia...or downs syndrome. Aspergers is a milder form of autism. The most common sign is problems with social situations and communication. Dyslexia is simply a reading issue

  10. there are no similarities--maybe you mean something else

    dyslexia is trouble reading--seeing letters backwards--not being able to process what you read--it does not involve spoken language--in fact--when a test is given to a person with dyslexai orally--they score much better

    autism can affect a persons ability to learn to read------but it's generally not because they can't visually is more of a problem understanding communication--in spoken and written from--and socail skills--people with dyslexia generally don't have a problem with social skills

  11. Well AS (Asperger's Syndrome) is a type of Autism. They have trouble communicating or responding to people's emotions. They get focused on specific things. One girl got obsessed with a keyboard. She could hear a new song on the radio and play it without practicing or hearing it more than once. She just couldnt talk, write, or even give eye contact. She had a more severe type of Autism though.

    Dyslexia is just an impairment in the brain to be able to write. It doesnt mean they are of low intellegence. It just means that when they read or write, letters or words appear backwards. They can even be scrambled.

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