
Whats the difference between hispanics and latins?10 points for best!?

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Are they even different? and where are they from? thanks




  1. IMO Latins  are people who come from a country that speak a romance based language such as Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese etc. Hispanics are people who come from a Spanish speaking country. Although the term Latino/a has also been used to describe people from Spanish speaking countries.

  2. Hispanics are Latin because they speak Spanish, which is a Latin language, but they are not they only Latins, there are other languages that are also derived from Latin such as Italian, Portuguese, French, and Romanian. All the people who are of these ethnicities or speak these languages are Latins.

    Hispanic= Spanish people and Spanish speaking

  3. The only difference is when you say "latinos" that INCLUDES brazilians but when you say hispanics it is only the spanish speaking people like Mexicans, Peruvians, Colombians, Venezuelans and all of that but since Brazilians speak portuguese they are NOT hispanics.

  4. All Hispanics are Latin but not all Latins are Hispanic.

  5. Latino and Hispanic are not synonymous.

    Hispanic is a term selected by the government after Hispanics lobbied successful to have the government acknowledge that they were a group impacted by prejudiced laws and social systems. It allowed for the government to track the needs of Spanish-speaking people around the country as civil rights laws were being created and enforced. Hispanic will likely be used by formal institutions, especially if they are connected with the government in some way. This In addition, since writing style is standardized in the media; Hispanic is more likely to be seen in the news.

    Latino is seen as a term that originated within the community. The government created the other term, so it is considered more formal and imposing. The Latino label will often be used in more social and comfortable situations. Latino, since it is not a government term, will often be used by grassroots organizations, heritage groups and other community-based initiatives. Sometimes it is used to create a more community-oriented environment. Newspapers that serve an area with a high Latino population often start to use Latino. This could show an actual connection to the community, an attempt to connect with the community or a simple attachment to a new buzzword.

    After the term Hispanic (Hispano) gained acceptance it was used in forms and census to identify people with Spanish heritage. Hispanic is not a race but an ethnic distinction, Hispanics come from all races and physical traits. The term Hispanic is merely a translation of the Old World word Hispania (Latin) or Hispano (Spanish).  Latin America is a geographic location. People from Latin America are all Latin but not all are Hispanics. Brazilians speak Portuguese, which makes them Latin but not Hispanic. Hispanic refers to people whose culture and heritage have ties to Spain and, in the case of second and third generation Hispanic-Americans, who may or may not speak Spanish

    "somos todos primos"

  6. nothing

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