
Whats the difference between raising girls and raising boys?

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I have two very young girls, I'm just curious what the differences are




  1. Boys are more hyper and less attentive as children, and they like to backtalk a little more.  They find it harder to consentrate on things, like a little girl can colour a whole picture but a boy runs off halfway through.  Boys are harder to potty train.  Then it reverses when they are teenagers!  Not saying that all little girls are like this or all little boys, but that's what I've noticed

  2. boys are a little more rowdy. and girls tend to be quieter than boys.  

  3. Boys like to rough house more and break a lot of your stuff. They usually put up less of a fight when you tell them to do stuff.  They don't usually care about getting dirty. They are less needy. oh and you don't ever have to worry about them getting pregnant. LOL That's all I can think of now.  

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