
Whats the difference between scrabble and regular dictionary?

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Whats the difference between scrabble and regular dictionary?




  1. the technical had answered your question.

  2. The Selchow and Richter Dictionary of SCRABBLE just has a list of the words that are acceptible in the game and a very rudimentary definition.

    A real dictionary has the word along with pronunciation, derivation, and a complete defintion of all the senses of the word.

  3. The Current Official Scrabble Player Dictionary 4th Edition, is published by Merriam Webster.

    It was compiled by a committee using several source dictionaries.

    It consists primarily of 2- to 8- letter words and  their inflections, with short definitions.  Since Scrabble is played with seven tile on a rack, these are the most likely plays to occur.

    Some root words appear more than once because they have different meanings and their inflections change.

    For example

    DO musical note, show only the plural inflection DOS

    but DO to begin and carry through to completion

    show these inflections




    Also the OSPD does not contain words deemed "offensive."

    There is another lexicon used in Clubs and Tournaments that are sanctioned by the National Scrabble Association (NSA) in North America.

    It is called The Official Tournament and Club Word List. and it is available only to current NSA members from the NSA.

    This book is a simple alphabetical list of all 2 to 8 letters and their inflections allowed it terminal play, and it does include "offensive words".

    There is an additional NSA book, called the "long List'  which lists words of 9 to15 long that are acceptable, because a Scrabble board is 15x15, and such words can be extended from words on the board.

  4. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (OSPD) includes only those words acceptable in Scrabble and other word games.   It only includes those words 2-8 letters in length plus their inflections.  It was originally compiled using 5 collegiate dictionaries by a volunteer committee who did an incomplete job on the dictionaries, so some dictionaries were covered better than others.  The definitions in the OSPD are very short, and the OSPD only contains the definition which best explains the largest quantity of inflections (whereas a regular dictionary has all the meanings of the words defined).  A regular dictionary usually also has usage notes, and other helpful tables and information.  The OSPD has put certain sections of prefixes in a table with no definitions at all, such as the section with words beginning with re-.

    Starting with the 3rd edition, the OSPD had the dirty words removed.  Members of the National Scrabble Association can purchase a book called the Official Words List or OWL with those dirty words (and trademarks) included.

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