
Whats the difference between the 3 types of trots of a standardbred?

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I heard they have 3 different trots? I don't know squat about it, so if someone can please explain, that would be great!




  1. I agree, whats the difference?

  2. There is only 2 not 3 in standardbreds. Pacers and trotters. Each gait is separate obviously and they are bred apart for that reason.

  3. the other answerer's were right about their only being 2 trots, the diagonal trot and the lateral pace.

    pacing is not undesirable and is in fact faster than trotting.  certain horses are born with the ability to pace and will do it naturally, while others will need a corrective harness to help them along with it.  

    pacers and trotters are raced seperately.

  4. Standardbred horses only have TWO types of trotting gait.

    These are the TROT, a diaganol gait, and the PACE, a lateral gait. In the PACE, the front and hind legs on the same side of the body move together, whereas with the TROT it is the fore and hind leg on the opposite side which move together.

    I own a Standardbred myself, and though he does not race any longer, he still paces.

    The 3 gaited horse you might have been thinking of is the SADDLEBRED. Some Saddlebreds even have 5 gaits, but they do not race.

    Hope my answer helps.

  5. I know of 2 types.

    The trot is when the left front leg and right back leg move forward at the same time and vice versa.

    The pace is when the legs on the same side of the horse move forward and backward at the same time....

  6. There are two types of Standardbre–the trotter and the pacer. As you know, when a horse 'trots', it uses the diagonal set of legs (such as near side foreleg and offside hindleg) for each stride. Imagine a horse stretching out and trotting at the speed of a galloping horse...that's what a racing Standardbred 'trotter' is doing.

    The 'pace' is where the horse uses both legs on the same side of the body, at the same time, to propel itself along. Try it yoursel–walk along using the same arm and leg on the one side of your body. It's an odd feeling isn't it? Now try doing it when you're running and that's what a racing Standardbred 'pacer' is doing.

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