
Whats the difference between the new 60gb Xbox and the 20gb model?

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Other than HDD space of course. Is there any point me buying one Because i already have the 20 gb model?




  1. The only difference between the "normal" xbox with 20gb is that i can hold much more.

    The colour is also different (if your on about the elite) is that its black, which does look cooler in my opinion :P.

    Other than the colour and the extra HD space, if your not looking for much more then this is the right xbox for you, if you want more then... well, its not :P hehe

    In my honest opinion theres no point buying one unless you don't already have an xbox or you've ran out of space on your 20gb model. ; )

  2. memory capacity  

  3. It just holds more information, nothing special  

  4. its just the harddrive


  6. Nothing is different between the two. If you have an older 20GB model, the only difference would be that the new version has an HDMI output

  7. yea the ony difference is the hard drive.

  8. 40 Gigs

  9. 40 GB of storage space.

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