
Whats the difference between these types of asian food?

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Vietnamese food

Japanese food

Chinese Food

Indian Food

Thai Food





  1. The biggest difference are the spices used.

  2. Well the cuisine is as different as the countries and the cultures.  It would take forever to describe all the differences, but most have to do with the core ingredients of those countries, presentation, and the spices used.  Some significant differences though are:

    Indian food uses no beef

    Japanese uses a lot of fish, including raw

    Thai and Vietnamese tend to have spicier dishes

    Indian uses curry

    One thing they do all have in common is that rice is a staple ingredient, though it is prepared differently in each cuisine.

    All these cuisine types are delicious and have unique features so I do encourage you to try them.

  3. all those foods are different. if you want to know how different between them, you better visit all the restaurants near you......

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