
Whats the difference between united kingdom and new zealand?

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and londom and britan and such..dont they all have the same accents?




  1. About 10,000 miles.  So just half a world of difference.

  2. About 10,000 miles! One is in the Northern Hemisphere (UK) and one in the Southern.

    Accents couldn't be more different.

    They're both about the same size but the UK is vastly over populated and there's only just over 4,000000 people in New Zealand.

    I'm from the UK and love this country but given the chance to move half way around the world to New Zealand, I'd jump at it....I'd take your hand off for it!

    I love NZ with a passion. What an amazing place.

  3. wth?! rubbish question!

    go back to school!

  4. New Zealand is somewhere you could live and have a happy life, England is somewhere you live so you can pay taxes and a few other people have a good life...

  5. Accents are different and UK us in the Northern Hemisphere and New  Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere.

  6. about 30 deg C!  *laughter*

  7. London is the capital city of England. England is a part of the UK. The UK couldn't be much more detached from New Zealand. Accents within the UK, and even within each of its constituent countries are extremely wide-ranging, none of which sound like the New Zealand accent.

  8. OMG....did you EVER have a geography lesson????

    For God's sake, there's no excuse for this kind of ignorance!  If you have access to a PC so you can go on Yahoo Q&A then you can certainly look on Google maps and see that UK and NZ are literally on opposite sides of the world....aaarghh!!!!

    And, being on opposite sides of the world, no, they do not have the same accent!!!!  That's even worse than saying that Northern Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English all speak the same...where on Earth are you from, to have such insular ideas about the world??!!

  9. The UK and New Zealand aren't even near each other. And no, the accents are different.

  10. There is a difference in culture, accent, food, and the climate.

  11. OMG the mind boggles. Now I understand why this world is in the mess it is in.

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