
Whats the difference from learning and remembering???

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Whats the difference from learning and remembering???




  1. When you learn you understand something...when you remember it you know what the words are but, you may not understand them

  2. learn when u fully understand and can put into your own words. Remembering is when u jus copy word for word

  3. Learning:

    Learning is the acquisition and development of memories and behaviors, including skills, knowledge, understanding, values, and wisdom. It is the product of experience and the goal of education. Learning ranges from simple forms of learning such as habituation and classical conditioning seen in many animal species, to more complex activities such as play, seen only in relatively intelligent animals.

    For small children, learning is as natural as breathing. In fact, there is evidence for behavioral learning prenatally, in which habituation has been observed as early as 32 weeks into gestation, indicating that the central nervous system is sufficiently developed and primed for learning and memory to occur very early on in development.



    Recollection is the retrieval of memory. It is not a passive process; people employ metacognitive strategies to make the best use of their memory, and priming and other context can have a large effect on what is retrieved.

    When we try to remember information there are several different techniques we can employ. These are called Measures of Retention.

    This involves digging into the memory and bringing back information on a stimulus/response basis, e.g., "What is the capital of New Zealand?" Answer: "Wellington". Recall often needs prompting with clues to help us retrieve what we are looking for. It is not a reliable form of memory and many of us experience the feeling that we know the answer but simply can't dig the information out. This is the technique we use to remember people's names, hence we often forget them. There are three types of recall:

    > Free recall: when no clues are given to assist retrieval

    > Serial recall: when items are recalled in a particular order

    > Cued recall: when some clues are given to assist retrieval

    A common temporary failure in word retrieval from memory is the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.

    The verb "desynapse" is increasingly used to describe one common recall technique. The desynapse technique is useful when standard recall techniques have failed. The user stops trying to recall information directly and allows the data to be recalled whilst focused on an unrelated subject.


    So basically learning is a input system while remembering is a output system.

    Hope this helps & have a great day!

  4. You have short term and long term memory. If you asked me what I had for supper last night I can't remember. But if you remind me of that hot dog then I will remember all.

    Learning is the same thing the more you study the better the recall will be

  5. Learning yields an operant system which can act upon stimulus to create novel outputs.  Remembering simply allows for the recall of information.

  6. when you learn something you actually understand it whereas when you remember something you may not really understand it

  7. When you've learn something you know how to explain it, for example you know to cook, doing maths tasks, etc...

    When you remember something in school you don't know how to explain it, or you can know some phone number but you can't "learn" that, you just remember it!

  8. LEARNING- is just something u shud understand

    REMEMBERING- is like the alphabet. u have to KNOW those

  9. i remember learning.

    but ive forgotten what i was taught.

    i learned teaching

    then taught learning

    but then

    I forgot to remember

    but I remember forgetting,  and worst of all

    i learned to forget remembering

  10. When you learn, you have a mental tool that will stay with you and help you all throughout your lifetime.

    When you are simply made toremember, it usually means it's only for a specific purpose such as a standardized test and the information will do you no good and may not even stay in your head past that.

    Another difference is that when you just simply remember, you don't necessarily understand the things you remember. A good example is with math. I can honestly say that I have LEARNED algebra because I understand WHY and HOW the formulas work. I didn't just merely memorize a formula and apply it to all problems without actually understanding why that's the best way to solve the problem.

    Another example is vocabulary. Someone who memorizes vocabulary will be able to tell you that the dictionary definition of Bibliography is a list of writings relating to a certain subject...because that was the definition they were told to memorize for the test, but can they tell you why the word for such a list is "bibliography" and not "gobbledygook"? Do they know what the roots "biblio" and "graph" mean? Could they write a bibliography? Or recognize one when they see it? Could they correctly use the word in a sentence? Do they use the word in their everyday oral language? If you've truly learned the word, you can.

    Memorization is certainly important, but only as a tool to aid you in the completion of tasks... remembering an address or a friend's phone number until you can write it down, remembering a list of chores or erands that need to be done, remembering a recipe or certain cooking procedures until you've actually learned cooking as an art, rememberinig names, birthdays, memorizing speaches once you've learned how to write and present one. It is a useful mental ability. But memorization must NEVER be used as a convenient substitute for actual learning.

  11. learning: u swim

    rememberng: watching someone swimming in tv

  12. If you finds the subjact intresting you will not only learn about it you will remember it aswell...

  13. When you learn a task it is there. You learn how to read, right a bike etc. You know it now. You don't need to "remember" how to ride a bike or read it just happens.

    Remembering is when your mind has to recall something from the past.

  14. I think learning is a process - where you get information, process it, and can remember and apply it later.

    Remembering is pulling up the information (something you've learned).

  15. good question.  


    when you remember something, that is the same as base memorization.  that is it.  like I remember that hydrogen is the first on the periodic table of elements.  

    learning is when I realize that Hydrogen is the first because it has one electron circling it.  therefore, two hydrogen atoms are needed to form a water molecule because one single oxygen atom has two empty spaces for other elements to bond to it.  

    so I guess remembering is simple memorization.  learning is when you use the facts that you  know to solve a problem.  or learning is key to using knowledge effectively.

  16. learning suggest an understanding of something whereas remembering is just repeating

  17. eat a penguin

  18. You will learn to remember. Have you remember what you've learn?

  19. The explanation is simple.

    Its the use of different parts of your brain, The learning is usually the pre-frontal cortex and then there is the remembering ( I forgot the name). The most simple way to explain is to think of a computer, you have Ram memory and Hard drive memory. The ram memory is used to process things in action and remember them temporarily. Although the ram memory has a great ability of processing and remembering it can only remember things until you turn your computer off. To store things permanently your computer uses its hard disk, permanently remembering things for future use unless deleted. Your brain works the same way, your pre-frontal cortex is your ram memory and the other part of your brain (I forgot) stores information permanatly.

    So, in all, your brain temporarily stores and processes information (learning) and when you sleep it stores that information (remembering).

    This process is simply put in an example-

    If anyone has ever said to get a good nights sleep before a test.

    This is explained from the learning/remembering process, you need the sleep to be able to remember the information you learned.

    sorry this took so long I had to type it myself, from memory...........get

    sry, not funny

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