
Whats the different bettween a normal yellow trombone, silver, and a high copper red trombone?

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alot of ppl have yellow t bone

what is the silver trombone made out off

instead of a yellow trombone

if i get a high copper trombone thats like red will it affect the sound? or does it make it different but still good in a different way

same thing with silver?

also does it cost more to get a silver or a red trombone? price ranges plz




  1. A lot of people talk about metal the horn is made out of.  Most horns are made out of a brass which is a type of metal alloy.  What you're referring to is the electroplating that occurs after the trombone is built.  Often, a manufacturer will electroplate with a heavier metal, the offshoot of which is that the horn will resonate differently.  A "yellow" trombone is a standard gold color lacquer which will do just fine.  A lot of guys like the silver plating, it makes for a heavier more mellow sound, and the gold or red as you call it, will have similar results.  Personally, I think it doesn't matter what the plating is.  I have a Bach Strad with the Thayer and a gold brass bell that is more rose colored.  I chose that out of aesthetic, it may or may not have an effect on the actual tone production, but it doesn't make enough of a difference to know.  

    Silver will probably cost more, just due to the expense of the material being plated, rose/red will be slightly cheaper and gold is the standard model.  I prefer silver on Euphoniums myself, I think it makes the trombone sound too heavy, but as I stated before, it really has minimal impact.

    My advice to you is go to the music store, bring your music and some etudes you know well, and spend 4 hours trying out different horns.  Most stores will have practice rooms and will allow you to chill for a good deal of time.  Only you can decide what horn is right for you!

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